International Advisory Committee
America’s Black Holocaust Museum’s International Advisory Committee is made up of highly experienced people from around the world who contribute their wisdom, networks, and other resources to build and strengthen ABHM.

Salim Amin, Director, Camerapix and The Mohamed Amin Foundation
Nairobi, Kenya
• Salim Amin is Chairman of Camerapix, an independent media firm delivering world exclusive images and stories at the forefront of journalism in Africa. Camerapix offers its clients a wide array of media services including television production, publishing and photography out of its headquarters in Nairobi and an office in London. It is also home to 4 million images of Africa, Asia, and the Middle East, and over 8,000 hours of unique and historic video footage. The Camerapix Archive is the largest visual resource of its kind in Africa.
Mr. Amin is also founder and Chairman of The Mohamed Amin Foundation. Since 1998, the foundation has provided aspiring African journalists the tools and knowledge to tell local stories to an international audience. Amin is the co-founder and Chairman of A24 Media, Africa’s first online agency for video and stills content.
In 2007 Salim was named a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum in Davos. He is a Fellow of the African Leadership Initiative and a member of the Aspen Global Leadership Network. In 2010 Salim was one of only 150 people around the world invited by President Obama to the Presidential Entrepreneurship Summit in Washington, DC. In December 2012, Salim was named as one of the “100 Most Influential Africans” by New African Magazine.

Sara Daleiden, Public Artist, Director MKELAX
Los Angeles, California
• Sara Daleiden is especially interested in finding ways to reconnect people with their surroundings and the things they don’t see in their own environments. As an educator and public artist, she cofounded the LA Urban Rangers, whose ranger-artists offer performative urban hikes, tours and campfire talks to alter people’s perception and relationship to the city of Los Angeles.
Sara also directs the MKE<->LAX initiative that works for cultural exchange between two American regions, with Milwaukee and Los Angeles as epicenters, through residencies and public programs. The goal is to expand the discussion about cultural exchange across the boundaries that typically isolate ideas regionally. Combining perspectives from the arts, education and advocacy, Daleiden’s agency, s(o)ul, consults with nonprofit and for profit entities, as well as cultural workers of many disciplines, from emerging to established levels. With bases in Los Angeles and Milwaukee, the agency offers support for empathetic, structural development of individual, organizational and community identity embracing various scales of experimentation, connection and production.
In Milwaukee, Daleiden’s projects have included:
- the Friends of Blue Dress Park, a Milwaukee-based group that she also co-founded and that explores ways to utilize overlooked places in the urban landscape, and
- coordinating the MARN Salons, dialogues about art that bring outside thinkers and critics to respond to work by Milwaukee artists.

Chip Duncan, Filmmaker, President, The Duncan Group Inc.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
• Chip Duncan is a filmmaker, author, photographer and President of The Duncan Entertainment Group, a documentary production company formed in 1984.
Duncan and his team recently completed the three-part public television series The Reagan Presidency (broadcast internationally in 2013). The classroom component of Duncan’s climate change series The Life & Death of Glaciers was released to schools across North America in September, 2011 by Discovery Education.
Other notable productions include the 2009 PBS Special Landslide: The Presidency of Herbert Hoover and the 2-part public television documentary A History of Prayer In America. The PBS Special In a Just World – Contraception, Abortion & World Religion aired nationwide in 2003. The national release of Cost of Freedom – Security, Civil Liberty & the USA Patriot Act premiered that same year. The Magic Never Ends – The Life & Work of C.S. Lewis aired nationwide on public television during 2002. Duncan’s production of the 13-part Discovery Networks series Mystic Lands was broadcast in more than 140 countries around the world during 1996. Duncan’s photographic images appear in the book Enough To Go Around – Searching for Hope in Afghanistan, Pakistan & Darfur (Select Books, NYC, 2009).
Duncan has filmed in more than forty countries. His documentary television specials and series have won more than 125 national and international awards. Broadcast networks include PBS, HBO, Discovery, TLC, Showtime, Lifetime and Sundance Channels…among others.
The Duncan Group recently completed a 4-part series for Discovery Education called How to Study Culture and the team is currently working on a 6-part educational series based on significant historical events from the 1980s. His new book, Food, Water, Shelter will be released in 2014.

Kurt Kleman, Creative Director, RedBrownKle’ Marketing Communications
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Kurt Kleman is a Partner and the Creative Director at RedBrownKle’ Marketing Communications. RedBrownKle’ is a strategic, creative communications agency in Milwaukee that focuses on medical and diversity markets.
Throughout his career, Kurt has worked on some of the world’s most recognizable brands, from Harley-Davidson to John Deere to Fat Boys. He directed award-winning campaigns for Abbot Laboratories, Baxter Healthcare and the American Cancer Society. He has also developed campaigns for groundbreaking medical products such as the Left Ventricle Assist Device and mechanical heart valves manufactured with natural tissue.
Kurt has a long history of community service on a number of levels, including design. He was involved in the early stages of the HIV movement and served as a designer and board member for the AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin. His work for the Department of Tourism’s Minority Outreach Campaign was viewed as a groundbreaking example of insight-based marketing.
In that same capacity, he also helped create and promote a program to encourage Milwaukee-area schools to visit America’s Black Holocaust Museum. Additionally, he has worked with the NAACP and the Spanish Chamber of Commerce, and currently serves as a board member for the Uprooted Theater in Milwaukee and as a consultant for the Urban Ecology Center, also in Milwaukee.
In his time outside of his responsibilities to RBK, Kurt is a painter, photographer, a published writer and sculptor.

Marcia Thomas, Director, USA for Africa
Los Angeles, California
• Marcia Thomas has been an Executive Director, Manager, Consultant and organizer for efforts located on both the East and West Coasts of the United States. She has directed and/or worked for organizations such as USA for Africa and Oxfam America, where she developed international and Africa related experience.
She has also been associated with several big project events such as Hands Across America and 1984 Olympic Games. Ms. Thomas served as a consultant on the Jubilee 2000 Debt Relief Campaign. She provided networking and outreach services for the campaign’s UK office.
Ms Thomas has a Masters Degree in Education and worked for a number of years for the Boston Schools, in various capacities during the 1970s when the system was under a federally mandated desegregation order.
She has served on a number of Boards and Advisory Committees for Africa focused, women and youth organizations. Ms Thomas was a Founding Board member of the National Summit on Africa (Africa Society) and is presently on UCLA’s James S. Coleman African Studies Center Advisory Board and is a member of the Pacific Council on International Policy, Los Angeles.

William White, Attorney, Partner, Michael Best & Friedrich LLP
Madison, Wisconsin
• William F. White, attorney, is a partner in the Madison office of Michael Best & Friedrich LLP and member of the firm’s Land and Resources Practice Group. Bill’s areas of concentration include real estate development, land use and general corporate issues. He has initiated and litigated land use and development issues on behalf of property owners, developers, municipalities and businesses. He is special counsel on land use issues to towns, villages, cities and counties.
He serves as general counsel and principal legal advisor for a wide variety of business clients, including clients in the construction, retail/wholesale and health care fields and not-for-profit tax-exempt organizations.
Bill was given the 2011 Dane County Bar Association Pro Bono Lifetime Achievement Award for his commitment to legal services for those in need. He serves on numerous community boards, among them the Sand County Foundation, the Madison Community Foundation, the Wisconsin Conference of the United Methodist Church, and the Friends of Hudson Park.
White is listed in The Best Lawyers in America (1995 – present) and was recognized by this same publication as Madison, Wisconsin’s 2011 “Lawyer of the Year” in the area of Land Use and Zoning Law and as Madison, Wisconsin’s 2012 “Lawyer of the Year” in the area of Land Use and Zoning Law/Litigation. He is also listed in Who’s Who in America (1992-present), a “Wisconsin Super Lawyer” in the area of Land & Resources (2005-present) and as one of “Wisconsin’s Best Lawyers.” In 2006, Mr. White received the WINGRA Recognition Award from the Wisconsin National Guard. Also, the American Lawyer Media and Martindale-Hubbell selected him as a 2013 Top Rated Lawyer in Land Use and Zoning.

Vivien Williams, Journalist, Video Producer
Rochester, Minnesota
• Vivien Williams is an Emmy Award winning journalist who specializes in health and medical reporting. Her segments run in news markets nationwide, including CNN, KNBC, WABC and WMAQ.
In addition to news, Vivien produces and develops programming for public television.
Vivien also produces a regular segment in a nationally syndicated hour-long medical news radio program called Mayo Clinic Medical Edge. This Emmy award winning features 90-second medical segments broadcast nationally and internationally on more than 100 television stations and on the Internet. She is also the voice of Medical Edge’s radio syndication, which is available in hundreds of markets across the U.S. and Canada.
Williams speaks and moderates discussions at national conventions, including moderating the Minnesota Governor’s State of the State address. She values and is very active in community outreach.
Vivien lives in Minnesota with her husband, two children and 30 chickens. Need any eggs?
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