7 More Slave-Themed Films for You to Look Forward To in 2013


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By Tambay A. Obenson, Shadow and Act: Cinema of the African Diaspora

A scene from Twelve Years A Slave
A scene from Twelve Years A Slave

With just about every post on this site announcing the production of a movie centered around stories of slavery in the United States, the inevitable question asked by readers, comes in the form of something like: what’s the deal with all these slave-themed movies?

Indeed… what’s the deal?

To summarize a recent post in which I gave one potential answer to that question – Hollywood seems to be in a *celebratory* mood, if we can call it that, honoring the 150 year anniversary of the Civil War, and those 4 years that would eventually lead to making slavery illegal in this country – USA. Although I should note that not every project is set in slavery-era USA.


If you’re already exhausted by what we can call “slave movie fever,” with films like Case départDjango and Lincoln especially behind us (although conversation about those films continues – especially the last 2), you should know that there are several more on the way, scheduled to be released throughout 2013; and I thought I’d take a look at some of them (those that we’re currently aware of anyway), and hopefully get your prepped and ready for the wave that’s to come.

Read the rest of the article to see the list of movies with descriptions.

Slavery lasted almost 300 years.

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