Congressional Black Caucus allies launch ‘eight-figure’ effort to flip the House


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By Ben Kamisar, NBC

House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries would be in line to become speaker if Democrats take control.

Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., outside the Capitol in September (Graeme Sloane/AP)

A top ally of the Congressional Black Caucus is launching a super PAC that will spend tens of millions of dollars to mobilize Black voters and flipping the House majority for Democrats — and electing the first Black speaker of the House.

Niccara Campbell-Wallace, the Congressional Black Caucus PAC’s former political director, will serve as the executive director of the new organization, called Rolling Sea Action Fund. It will be aligned, but not directly affiliated, with the all-Democratic Congressional Black Caucus, and the group will be organized as a “hybrid PAC,” a designation that will allow Rolling Sea to both raise money for candidates and have a separate account raising unlimited sums to spend on ads and other election spending.

Assuming Democrats hold a vacant seat in Rhode Island in a special election in November, the party needs to flip just five seats in next year’s congressional elections to take control of the House. If they manage that, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., a former member of Congressional Black Caucus leadership, would be in line to become the country’s first Black speaker of the House. […]

“We know that Black voters are the cornerstone of the Democratic Party and of protecting American democracy,” Campbell-Wallace said in an interview ahead of the group’s launch. “This will be something where we have an always-on effort to empower and mobilize Black voters, and make sure that we are reflecting the diversity and amazingness of America.”

Learn more about the Black Caucus’ plan in the original article.

Read about the judicial branch of government and how they’re affecting Black Americans in this Breaking News article.

Find more Breaking News here.

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