Hateful Speech


A man stands in front of the Djingareyber mosque on February 4, 2016 in Timbuktu, central Mali. 
Mali's fabled city of Timbuktu on February 4 celebrated the recovery of its historic mausoleums, destroyed during an Islamist takeover of northern Mali in 2012 and rebuilt thanks to UN cultural agency UNESCO.
African Peoples Before Captivity
Shackles from Slave Ship Henrietta Marie
Kidnapped: The Middle Passage
Image of the first black members of Congress
Reconstruction: A Brief Glimpse of Freedom
The Lynching of Laura Nelson_May_1911 200x200
One Hundred Years of Jim Crow
Civil Rights protest in Alabama
I Am Somebody! The Struggle for Justice
Black Lives Matter movement
NOW: Free At Last?
#15-Beitler photo best TF reduced size
Memorial to the Victims of Lynching
hands raised black background
The Freedom-Lovers’ Roll Call Wall
Frozen custard in Milwaukee's Bronzeville
Special Exhibits

Breaking News!

Today's news and culture by Black and other reporters in the Black and mainstream media.

Ways to Support ABHM?

This exhibit is comprised of the personal attacks, obscenity, vulgarity, profanity, and shouting that we receive in the Comments sections of ABHvM exhibits. As per our Comments Policy, such comments are not censored but simply moved to this exhibit.


Response to the exhibit: Was the Author of the 3 Musketeers a Black Man?


Response to the exhibit: An Iconic Lynching in the North


Response to the Breaking News post: Efforts by Counties and Towns to Purge Minority Voters From Rolls


Response to the exhibit: The Education of Black Children in the Jim Crow South


From Chang in Baltimore MD

I have to say, I'm stunned. Not in the way you've misrepresented history and manipulated it to serve your ideas but in the way people actually think that blacks can appreciate anything other than gang, drug and pimp lifestyles. Why do blacks wind up in jail in vastly disproportionate numbers? Whitey, of course. Drug use, same blame. Haggard family morals? Whitey made that happen too. Soon whites and Asians will wake up and your suckling of the tit will end. What then? Oh wait, no black has EVER created anything of value.  I doubt this message will ever see the light of day...


From Joseph in Trenton NJ

Holocaust? Really???

As a Jew I am offended that the black criminal society can even try to equate their vague "suffering" to the Jews.

Blacks take no responsibility because they are a separate species who cannot exhibit self restraint in any form. Is it any wonder non blacks fled from the foul stench of the ape wearing fubu?


From Madeline Gann



From Bob

0 approved


Location: neenah wi

niggers diserved it all


Response to the Breaking News post: The Lingering Legacy of Lynching and Trayvon Martin

Submitted on 2012/08/10 at 12:33 PM

Location: Palm Beach, Florida

I am so sick of these BS comparisons. These lynchings were horrific, but T. Martin was a thug/gangster, gold teeth and all. He was violent and aggressive toward Zimmerman, and Zimmerman, tragic as it was, did what he had to do.

Fuck You Niggers!
Submitted on 2012/08/09 at 9:19 PM

Location: Bumfukt, Egypt

It’s about time that Goddamn trash was removed from the entrance to the development. No shrine for a little nigger thug should have to be endured by humans. That fuckin’ ape got exactly what was comin’ to him. A permanent dirtnap.

Hope the rest of you violent apes suffer the same fate soon.


Message on ABHM Contact Form, received March 14, 2013

From: glenn scheuerman <scheuerg1@mail.gtc.edu>
City: racine
State: wi
Subject: race card

Message Body:


1.Destruction or slaughter on a mass scale
There should be no black holocaust museum,HOW DARE THE BLACK race compare the slavery to what to the Jews?!
your race has no shame i actually dont believe you belong to the human race, but are simians, there are so many similarities in actions, facial, body structure, you are apes!

Amanda Mosher

Location: Maryland

Congratulations. You keep racism alive. How dare you compare slavery to the WWII Nazi genocide. Not even close to the same. Neither I, nor my family have ever owned slaves of any kind ( at least as far back as I have traced to the 1600s). In fact many of them fought against slavery. Yet you demonize me because I APPEAR to be white. Good job keeping the hate alive with websites like this and race specific TV channels, books, magazines, music, greeting cards, ETC, ETC, ETC, ETC. Who is the real racist? You are accomplishing nothing except continuing racism for future generations.

Willie rochell

Submitted on 2013/08/17 at 2:08 PM

Location: none

Kurt its obvious your white. You know white people were buttholes and racist pigs especially in 1927. No black man had to do anything to be treated that way and u know it. Jim crow bs was allover the south. Crooked cops,judges,jurors etc. White people are hateful,liars,manipulative, and feel so obligated to everything. New day now buddy. Killers for no reason and ignorance will burn in hell (white people ) for eternity. Church dont care your race.


Response to the exhibit: Voting Rights for Blacks and Poor Whites in the Jim Crow South




0 approved


Location: Somewhere

This is an awful site and nobody should every use it. Also bob is a jerk.


Response to the exhibit How Slavery Became the Law of the Land "For Blacks Only"

0 approved
Submitted on 2015/03/12 at 9:24 PM      Location: none

To: “For Blacks Only” Website

Fm: Whites at large.

Consider your African Ancestor Holocaust Progenitators and be happy how, instead of them killling your families, they only enslaved them prior to selling them to the white traders. Go visit Fort Jesus in Mombasa, and understand how your ancestors arrived at this slave prison only through the efforts of other BLACK African people.


Response to the exhibit: The Five Pillars of Jim Crow

Race Skog
0 approved


Location: Storres, Conneticut

why talk about blacks when whites r cooler


Sean Pardee
0 approved


Location: Storrs, Connecticut

I hate black people


Response to the exhibit: Our Mission

Screen Shot 2016-02-02 at 9.21.52 AM


Response to the exhibit What is the Black Holocaust?



Response to the exhibit Racism is Behind Outlandish Theories about Africa's Ancient Architecture



Response to the exhibit Sundown Towns: Racial Segregation Past and Present


Response to the exhibit Will Brown


Response to the exhibit How Many Africans Were Really Taken to the US During the Slave Trade?

Comments Are Welcome

Note: We moderate submissions in order to create a space for meaningful dialogue, a space where museum visitors – adults and youth –– can exchange informed, thoughtful, and relevant comments that add value to our exhibits.

Racial slurs, personal attacks, obscenity, profanity, and SHOUTING do not meet the above standard. Such comments are posted in the exhibit Hateful Speech. Commercial promotions, impersonations, and incoherent comments likewise fail to meet our goals, so will not be posted. Submissions longer than 120 words will be shortened.

See our full Comments Policy here.


  1. Eric Schermer on August 13, 2012 at 8:57 AM

    I would report the second email to the FBI. They should be able to easily trace the ip addresses even though that person probably thinks he/she can use made up addresses and get away with speech which I would consider beyond “hateful.”

    Speech which crosses the line and starts sounding threatening needs reporting nowadays.

  2. Erich schermer | Miranda1929 on September 21, 2012 at 1:54 PM

    […] America's Black Holocaust Museum | Hateful Speech […]

  3. Rachael on November 28, 2014 at 4:42 PM

    Hey I actually wanted to comment on the previous page (“NOW – Free at Last?”), but there was no comment box. I noticed some claims that aren’t well-explained or backed by stats, so I thought you might appreciate this article done by the Human Rights Watch. https://www.hrw.org:8080/reports/2008/05/04/targeting-blacks-0 Using the info in there could make your points more specific/vivid. And Americans love stats. But maybe you were already planning to use more detail in the exhibits that are still to come. Yet, I think a stat or two on the intro page might hook people better and get them more interested in the specific exhibits.

    • dr_fran on December 14, 2014 at 9:17 PM

      Thank you for your suggestion, Rachel. It’s true that the way our site is set up does not offer a place to comment on the Gallery intro pages. Those intros are designed to give a simple overview of an era, while the exhibits are designed for detailed explanations and cited sources, as you rightly observed.

  4. G. Friedrich on December 27, 2014 at 8:41 PM

    The jewish holocaust lasted from 1941-1945. American slavery lasted from 1600-1865. We are still living in an age where blacks are still in mental slavery everyday. The entire justice system, police, education system, housing, nutrition, etc were designed to keep blacks from progressing & no one has tried to change the laws. Most of these negative comments are from people who have no knowledge of what they are talking about & no knowledge of self. How can one person feel they are better than another when we were all created the same & our features come from the places of our ancestors which were ultimately designed by the weather & the elements. I would never judge a person by the color of their skin but my their actions & what comes out of their mouths. Only God can heal these sick minded individuals & maybe in the end we will see how many of them actually get to heaven!!!

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