Ben Carson Likely to Run for President
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By Breanna Edwards, theRoot

Ben Carson, the Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon-turned-Republican star, believes that the “likelihood is strong” that he will end up running for president in 2016.
“Unless the American people indicate in November that they like big-government intervention in every part of their lives, I think the likelihood is strong,” he said Monday on radio’s The Hugh Hewitt Show, according to the Washington Times.
Of course Carson, popular in conservative circles, is not rushing his decision, saying that he’s listening to voters as well as monitoring the 2014 landscape before making his final decision, which will come by May 2015 at the latest.
“I think the chances are reasonably good of that happening,” the Republican star added. “I want to make sure that it’s clearly something my fellow Americans want me to do. And I’m also waiting to see what the results are in November, because if the people indicate that they truly do want a nation that is for, [of] and by the people, then I—along with, I hope, many other people—would be willing to give it everything we possibly have.”
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