Breaking News! History in the Making

NAACP -On The Road To Change Part 1 – Civil Rights Organization Evolving To Tackle Modern Challenges
NAACP makes sweeping changes to their organization platform in order to better meet the modern day challenges that African-Americans face. Challenges representative of days ago, like Jim Crow legacies, laws, unjust judicial systems, housing covenants. educational barriers and restrictions of mobility in and throughout America for African Americans. New leadership is installed, new strategies toward improvement and greater inclusiveness of the youth is most important to how we effect change in the organization. Start by seeking opportunities that reach out and retain activists and activism involving youth of today.

Here’s Why You Need To Know About The 1917 Silent Parade
Google commemorated the Silent Parade with a Google Doodle, as today marks the 100th year anniversary that African Americans walked in NY to put an end to racial terror and the increasing number of lynchings.

America Has Finally Found Its ‘Perfect Victim’ Of A Police Shooting
Police brutality somehow looks different on a white victim. Justine Dramond, a Caucasian Australian who was engaged to be married was innocently shot and killed by an officer and people of all backgrounds are mourning her loss, but it wasn’t the same reaction when Philando Castile, who was also engaged to be married, was innocently shot and killed by an officer. See what the media has to say about it.

Powerful New Video Tackles Racial Bias To Remind Kids Their ‘Black Is Beautiful’
Procter & Gamble have joined the movement of self-love by dedicating their latest campaign to uplifting black children. This particular ad is dedicated to “The Talk” and letting children know that their black is beautiful.

New Study: Young Black Men Are Serving the Longest of Increasingly Longer Prison Sentences
Private prisons poised to reclaim days of slavery as they seek the mass incarceration of black bodies, for minimal to no crime at all. Imagine becoming intrapped in a system at earlier and earlier ages, for longer and longer periods of time.

Kamala Harris Is Dedicating Her First Major Legislative Effort To Bail Reform
By Taryn Finley, HuffPost Black Voices Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Ca.) is seeking some major criminal justice reform, starting with bail. Along with Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), Harris has introduced a bipartisan bill which calls for states to “reform or replace the practice of money bail, the requirement that individuals awaiting trial remain in jail unless…

Racist emails show Chicago official joked about “safari tour” to see violence in black neighborhoods
The prevalence of racism as an imbedded culture in the workplace, continues to rear its ugly head in Chicago’s Water Department. Using company computers for personal expenditures and defamatory, derogatory, and insensitive emails is now a subject of investigation of staff of the Chicago water department.

Is Black Male Privilege A Real Issue in Our Community?
Some argue that black male privilege is real, as the recent news of black males has been overshadowing the mass incarceration rate of women along with their disparities. It is also argued that women can be found championing the cause of black males, but the same is not always true when roles are reversed. Read the article to form your own opinion on the subject.

When Cops Kill Black People: America’s Two Realities and Why Jurors Can’t Believe Their Lying Eyes
Imagine living in a “Tale of Two Cities,” where perceptions continue to support the rule of the day as it plays out on the World Stage of life for people of color? Places where slaughter and injustice against, and done unto black and brown bodies are authorized and condoned, even and especially by the laws that supposedly govern all equally. All in the name of protecting and preserving white fragility, white perceived way of life and the egregious greed that is ultimately stolen as rights of another.

These Glorious Pictures From CurlFest Show Off The Beauty Of Natural Hair
Representation matters, which is why Charisse Higgins along with some other Brooklyn natives created Curly Girl Collective and have been hosting Curlfest since 2014. Read the article to find out more about it and to see some of the glorious pictures.

The Messy Story Behind The Black Lives Matter Sign In My White Family’s Window
A white couple beats fear and hesitation by deciding to place a BLM sign in the front window of theihome in a predominantly affluent white neighborhood.

Most Of America’s Terrorists Are White, And Not Muslim…
When talking terrorism and extremist criminal behavior and consequent death and murders, America’s problem concern are the growing threat of far-right extremism. White thugs, carrying out various hate-crimes in America running rampant.

To Be Equal Give Us the Ballot: Restore the Voting Rights Act
In America Voting is a Right! However, still today communities of color are faced with an onslaught of legislation and other political tactics to further disenfranchise and deny certain communities nationwide the rights to exercise this privilege to vote and be represented within their communities.

This Teen is The First Black Woman to Ride in U.S. Polo’s Highest League
Shariah Harris just became the first African American female to play high-goal polo, the top tier of U.S. polo, and she hasn’t even graduated college yet.

The High Graduation Rate of Black Students in Prince George County Maryland Has Brought Charges of Grade Inflation by Public Officials
A surprisingly large number of black students graduated this year within Prince George’s County in Maryland. Instead of congratulating the teachers and the students on their accomplishments they are accusing the county of fraud; grade inflation.

Audio Interview Confirms Dejuan Guillory Was Unarmed, Lying on Ground When Cop Shot Him in the Back
Man in compliance with police commands found shot in his back multiple times while his hands are handcuffed behind him. His girlfriend now arrested for attempted murder for defending boyfriend from being killed by the officer.

What Being Black In America Feels Like For Jay-Z, Kendrick Lamar, Mahershala Ali And Others
4:44, Jay-Z’s most recent album explored the idea of race and success and he got some other hip-hop artists to speak their mind on the topic as well.

The Meaning of Independence Day for Milwaukee’s People of Color
This article explores why Independence Day and patriotism in America mean something different to the African/African-American community than to white Americans. It shows how Black Americans have endured vastly differing experiences from white Americans, because unalienable rights supposed afforded in America do not apply, have not applied, to them.

Fighting for Black Lives in Colombia: At War’s End, the Search for a Seat at the Table
Racism in America has been the forefront of many conversations and social media outlets, but that is not the case in Colombia although blacks there experience it everyday. Well, they are taking a stance and letting the world know that black lives in Colombia matter too.

From 15 Million Acres to 1 Million: How Black People Lost Their Land
In 1900, formerly enslaved Black people and their heirs owned and farmed 15 million acres of land. Now, Black folks are only 1 percent of rural landowners in the U. S., and under 2 percent of farmers. This is a story of economic disenfranchisement and theft, murder and deceit. The Center for Heirs’ Property Preservation is helping African Americans retain rightful ownership of their lands.

Black Attorney to Fight Confederate-Themed Flag in US Supreme Court
An ordinary Mississippi citizen who is also an attorney seeks the permanent removal of a long-standing symbol of white supremacy, the Confederate flag, from the state flag of Mississippi. His case is pending review by the US Supreme Court.