Breaking News! History in the Making

Paris mayor says ‘solution’ found for black feminist event

The Afro-feminist group, MWASI, was shut down as they tried to host an “exclusive” event (for black women mostly) according to the mayor. Read the full story here.

Sometimes, Staying Woke Means Staying Away

‘Stay woke’ has been the phrase of the century, but with all the recent tragedies, this author thinks that taking a break from social media may do us some good and help us to ‘stay alive.’

Beyonce, one of the many celebrities who used her platform to protest American history and called her fans to get in 'Formation' to do the same. (

The history of American protest music, from “Yankee Doodle” to Kendrick Lamar

The evolution of American protest music includes an array of artists, many Black, have penned creative and influential songs.

What It Costs to Give Black Mothers a Second Chance

National Mama’s Bailout Day helped free dozens of women around the country who were too poor to make bail. Sheritha Scott was one of them. Here is her story.

Rep. Karl Oliver of Mississippi

MS Rep. Karl Oliver issues statement on “lynching” post he made on Facebook

A state representative in Mississippi calls for lynching the leadership in New Orleans that sanctioned the removal of Confederate memorials to white supremacists.

New Orleans takes down Confederate monuments under cover of darkness

New Orleans removes four Confederate monuments from public spaces, despite death threats. Read about the debate surrounding their removal and listen to the mayor’s honest and touching speech explaining the importance of acknowledging and repairing our country’s flaws.

White Supremacist Sean Urbanski Charged With Murder of Black Bowie State Student Richard Collins III

Sean Christopher Urbanski, 22, has been charged with first- and second-degree murder in the stabbing death of Bowie State University student Richard Collins III.

Ceremony Of Remembrance Commemorates Brutal Lynching One Hundred Years Ago

A racially diverse group of citizens of Memphis TN holds a ceremony and erects a marker memorializing the very brutal lynching of Ell Persons exactly one century ago.

Art for Bresha Meadows by Molly Crabapple

Bresha Meadows Case Demonstrates How Domestic Survivors Are Punished for Defending Themselves

After nearly a year of being dragged through the criminal justice system, it appears there might finally be some good news in the Bresha Meadows case.

Yes, You Can Measure White Privilege

How the advantages conferred by white privilege show up in economic differences between white and black people in four areas: education, employment, income, and spending.

Mississippi Cops Engage In ‘Systematic Targeting Of Black Residents,’ Lawsuit Alleges

The American Civil Liberties Union has filed a federal lawsuit against Madison County, MS citing brutal treatments and unconstitutional searches on black residents.

Harvard Will Hold School’s First Ever Black Commencement

Harvard grads will hold school’s first ever black commencement ceremony meant to uplift black students while emphasizing the importance of community.

California’s failure-to-pay policy for traffic tickets has resulted in over 4 million suspended drivers’ licenses in recent years. (Photo by RichLegg/Getty Images)

New Report Reveals Racial Bias In California’s Traffic Court System

A new report shows that California’s current policies for those unable to pay are disproportionately affecting Blacks and Latinos.

Betsy DeVos To Deliver Commencement Speech At Historically Black University

By: Taryn Finley Taryn Finley reports in a recent article published in Huff Post Black Voices that “U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos is set to deliver the commencement speech at Bethune-Cookman University in Daytona Beach, Florida, the school announced on Monday.” Finley quotes Preident Edison O. Jackson’s statement in a press release: “The legacy of…

Debunking a Myth: The Irish Were Not Slaves, Too

Historians say the idea of Irish slaves is based on a misreading of history and that the distortion is often politically motivated.

Netflix’s Dear White People digs into everyday racism

With heart and humor and a steady gaze, Dear White People makes sure to portray its characters as whole individuals and not just human embodiment of their beliefs.

Canadian lawyers are pushing courts to consider systemic racism

Defense lawyers in Ontario want to start pushing judges to consider how systemic racism may have contributed to the criminal activity of black offenders they are sentencing.

Highly Valued ABHM Exhibit Saved for Future Generations

The slave ship cargo hold exhibit, which had been built into the building formerly housing America’s Black Holocaust Museum, was disassembled piece by piece and saved for restoration in the new museum, just before demolition was to begin on the old building.

How Do We Fight Back Against Trump and His Fake News?

From: The Root By: Monique Judge Amidst the drama and craziness surrounding the Trump presidency, the concept known as “Fake News” has been at the heat of President Donald Trump’s frustration. Monique Judge defines what fake news really is as she writes, “fake news is something that is created intentionally to deceive; that it not…

ABHM Co-Sponsors “Racial Justice: The Courage to Act” with Head Griot Reggie Jackson Speaking on Segregation in Milwaukee

Written by: Keith McAllister Edited by: Zak Morse     April 1st fell on a Saturday this year, and community members from more than 20 different churches and organizations around Milwaukee gathered at Alverno College to engage in the impactful social justice event, Racial Justice: The Courage to Act. The event left attendees with much…

After Changing the Rules of Engagement, Senate Republicans Vote Neil Gorsuch Onto the U.S. Supreme Court

From: Colorlines By: Deepa Iyer In the article “After Changing the Rules of Engagement, Senate Republicans Vote Neil Gorsuch Onto the U.S. Supreme Court,” contributing writer Deepa Iyer talks about the reaction of racial justice, women’s rights, and LGBTQ organizations to the confirmation of the 113th justice, Neil Gorsuch. She writes: “Democrats filibustered the nomination…