Breaking News! History in the Making

Civil Rights Era Poet Shares How to Create Civility in Today’s Society
From:Huffington Post- Black Voices Written By: Kristina Puga Writer and activist Eugene Ethelbert Miller discussed his love for writing and history by stating: “I wanted to be involved in every aspect of writing about it,” says Miller about the politically-charged time, as sharply and energetically as if it were just yesterday. “It was just like now…

School Tries To Censor BLM Article. These Students Had The Final Say.
In a recent post, “School Tries To Censor BLM Article. These Students Had The Final Say” Zahara Hill sheds light on young black voices taking a stand for racial injustice.

Google partners with Howard University to develop future black engineers
From: The Grio Recently, Google announced the beginning of a new program partnered with Howard University. The new program is part of an effort to recruit more young black minds and promote greater diversity in the engineering industry. As The Grio writes in their article, “Howard has opened a campus at the Googleplex, called Howard…
Jay Z and Harvey Weinstein to Bring Trayvon Martin’s Story to Film and TV
From: Colorlines Written By: Sameer Rao In the article “Jay Z and Harvey Weinstein to Bring Trayvon Martin’s Story to Film and TV,” culture reporter/blogger Sameer Rao highlights Jay Z Carter’s collaboration with producer Harvey Weinstein to create a narrative film and docuseries on the 2012 murder that lit the fuse of the Black Lives…

#MissingDCGirls Finally Caught People’s Attention, but How Do You Bring Them Home?
From: The Root Written By: Yesha Callahan In the article “#MissingDCGirls Finally Caught People’s Attention, but How Do You Bring Them Home?,” senior editor Yesha Callahan writes about the increasing number of African American teens that have been disappearing from the Washington D.C. area since February. Furthermore, she points to the lack of police efforts in addressing…

Deportation of African and Other Black Immigrants Quietly Increasing
By David Love Although often not covered in the media, the African immigrant community is facing mass deportations in the era of Donald Trump. While the immigration debate in the U.S. is often framed in terms of undocumented immigrants from Mexico and Central America on the one hand and the infamous Muslim travel ban on…

See Award-Winning Film & Support ABHM!
The Milwaukee premiere of an award-winning film, “Service To Man,” will raise funds for ABHM on March 26, 2017 at the Varsity Theater in Milwaukee.

Horror Film About Racism Earns Coveted 100 Percent On Rotten Tomatoes
From: Huffington Post Black Voices Written By: Carla Herreria Herreria writes: “‘Get Out,’ a psychological thriller about racism written and directed by Peele, earned a coveted 100-percent score on the film review aggregation website Rotten Tomatoes.” In a recent post, “Horror Film About Racism Earns Coveted 100 Percent On Rotten Tomatoes,” Carla Herreria expresses critics’…

My Black History: The Case for Black Art in an Anti-Presidential Era
From: The Root Authored by: Maiysha Kai In “My Black History: The Case for Black Art in an Anti-Presidential Era”, Maiysha Kai explains the power black art holds in the current political state of the United States. She explains how, “The Black Arts Movement that followed was a direct response to the loss of our…

Chicago Violence Requires A Real Commitment, Not A Passing Presidential Tweet
A video clip and reflections by Rev. Al Sharpton on gun violence in Chicago and the need for real commitment to address this problem.

A More Abundant Share — The Future Of Food Is Black
From: The Huffington Post: Black Voices Authored By: Shakirah Simley In the article “A More Abundant Share – The Future Of Food Is Black,” Shakirah Simley explains how food symbolizes deep cultural connections, generational ties to family, and acts as a symbol of power. The good food movement is the idea that, “In a very…

Watch: My Black History: Michael Eric Dyson on How MLK’s Assassination Opened His Eyes
From: The Root Video Created by: P.J. Rickards To commemorate the month of February and its celebration of Black History, Michael Eric Dyson (author, professor, and ordained minister) reflects on how the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. changed Dyson’s perspective on racial injustice. Dyson’s lesson learned from MLK’s assassination is best summarized as…

Chance The Rapper Finally Won A Grammy. Then Another One.
From: Huffington Post Black Voices Written by: Lilly Workneh Chance The Rapper received the Grammy for Best Rap Performance with the track “No Problem.” The win marks the 23-year-old Chicago native’s first Grammy award win in his young, prominent career, in only his first year of Grammy eligibility. As Lilly Workneh writes in her article,…

Attending College Doesn’t Close Wage Gap and Other Myths
From: The Root (February 6, 2017) Written By: Kirsten West Savali In a recent post, “Attending College Doesn’t Close Wage Gap and Other Myths Exposed in New Report,” Kirsten West Savali exposes the sad truths from a study published titled, “Asset Value of Whiteness” that unravels the relationship between race, class, and education. She writes: “Demos and…

Join Us on February 25, 2017 for ABHM’s Founder’s Day Gathering!
A description of the full program of ABHM’s Founder’s Day Gathering 2017, including presenters’ bios and headshots, organizational co-sponsors, and links for more information on the subject of How Communities Repair and Remember Racial Trauma.

Sponsorship Opportunities and Benefits – Founder’s Day 2017
Organizations are invited to sponsor ABHM’s Founder’s Day Gathering. This exhibit gives a brief overview of the event and outlines in detail the 2017 Sponsorship levels and their various benefits.

This Day in History: Richard and Mildred Loving Plead Guilty to the Crime of Interracial Marriage
On this day in history, Mildred and Richard Loving plead guilty to the crime of interracial marriage.

Schools prepare for Trump by creating safe spaces for undocumented students
Amid the concerns for immigrant families about the new Trump administration schools all across the United States are taking steps to protect students.

Stunning Film Adaptation of ‘Fences’ Opens on Christmas Day
The trailer and a review of the film version of August Wilson’s play, Fences, directed by Denzel Washington who also plays the lead.

Inside a Report on Slavery and Its Legacy
A New York Times reporter investigates how, in the 1840s, New York Life, the nation’s third-largest life insurance company, sold 508 policies on enslaved men and women — and discovers who the beneficiaries were and locates some of the descendants of those insured slaves.