Breaking News! History in the Making

Baltimore cop spits in handcuffed black man’s face, then charges him with assault
The cop harassed Alfred Evan for talking with his friends before arresting and spitting on the man.

Detention of black teens by police outside D.C. bank sparks protests
Jason Goolsby, 18, was tackled and handcuffed by D.C. police outside a bank.

‘You Talk White:’ Being Black and Articulate
Black people are generally seen as uneducated thugs, so speaking differently from stereotypes results in questions about their behavior.

Officials in Texas Grapple With Police Decision to Use Taser on City Council Member
Officials in a small Texas town are questioning a decision by the police to use a Taser on a member of the City Council before charging him with resisting arrest.

Black College Student Brutally Beaten By Police Officers In D.C.
Police have admitted that Jason Goolsby, who was stopped and beaten in Washington, D.C., had committed no crime.

Thousands Gather for Million Man March 20th Anniversary in D.C.
Black men and women from around the nation are gathering on the National Mall to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Million Man March and call for policing reforms and changes in black communities.

2 Outside Reviews Say Cleveland Officer Acted Reasonably in Shooting Tamir Rice, 12
By Mitch Smith, New York Times Two outside investigators looking into the death of Tamir Rice have concluded that a Cleveland police officer, Tim Loehmann, acted reasonably in deciding last year to shoot when he confronted the 12-year-old boy carrying what turned out to be a replica gun. Those opinions, reached separately by a…

Texas Mother Teaches Textbook Company a Lesson on Accuracy
A black mother blasted a textbook on social media after her child discovered a line that said Africans were brought to the US as workers.

Man Alleges NYPD Cop Called Him N-word Several Times During Stop-and-Frisk Arrest in Lawsuit
A lawsuit alleges that an NYPD officer falsely arrested a Black man who was walking for no reason, and used racial slurs and assaulted him.

U.S. to Release 6,000 Inmates From Prisons
The Justice Department is preparing to release roughly 6,000 inmates from federal prisons starting at the end of this month as part of an effort to ease overcrowding and roll back the harsh penalties given to nonviolent drug offenders .

New California Law Aims To Curb Racial Profiling
Police will have to report the race of those they stop and frisk, thanks to a new law that wants to decrease racial profiling.

Racist Jokes About This Photo Got People Fired and Sparked the Hashtag #HisNameIsCayden
By Dian Ozemebhoya Eromosele, The Root There is a man who goes by the name of Geris Hilton on Facebook (reportedly not his real name) who used to have a job. “Hilton” used to work at Polaris Marketing Group, according to AtlantaBlackStar, but his employment status changed after he posted a photo on Facebook Sept.…

Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Reflects On The Origins Of The Movement
How the movement began on social media, how it grew, and how it answers critiques that it provokes violence.

Is This the End of the 2nd Reconstruction?
Henry Louis Gates Jr questions whether recent anti-Black violence by police is a symptom of the end of an era of progress.

Former officer files suit claiming discrimination in arrest by fellow officers
“They were assaulted, arrested, handcuffed and placed in the rear of police cars due to the color of their skin and because they are African Americans. One officer remarked that all he saw was a big black guy,” the suit says.

A White Artist Wrote ‘Black Lives Matter’ 2,000 Times. But His Mural Almost Said ‘All Lives Matter.’
What happened when a black gallery owner in Detroit commissioned a large mural from a white artist as an homage to the Black Lives Matter movement.

Why It Isn’t Possible For Black Americans To Appropriate African Culture
Julia Craven explains why Black Americans have a right to explore the roots and homes from which they were forcibly removed years ago.

Jeb Bush, ‘Free Stuff’ and Black Folks
NY Times columnist Charles Blow’s take on Jeb’s statement: “This line of reasoning also infantilizes black thought and consciousness and presents an I-know-best-what-ails-you paternalism about black progress.” Read his full analysis here.