Breaking News! History in the Making

In Ferguson, protesters challenge state of emergency

Police bolstered by emergency orders maintained close watch Tuesday over protest-wracked streets in Ferguson after another night of demonstrations saw multiple arrests and brought new potential flash points.

20-Year-Old Man Shot by Police in Ferguson, Mo., on Anniversary of Michael Brown’s Death

Police say the 20-year-old man began shooting Sunday evening during what had been a relatively calm protest.


A year after Ferguson, 6 in 10 Americans say changes are needed to give blacks and whites equal rights

A growing number of Americans say the country needs more changes to give blacks equal rights, according to a new Washington Post poll.

WI Black Historical Society

ABHM featured on Milwaukee Public Television

The August 5, 2015 MPTV program Trippin’ includes a virtual visit to ABHM and describes the rich historical and contemporary resources to be found on the site. Three other Wisconsin museums that exhibit local and national black history are also visited.

Kevin Labriado in an unrelated mug shot from 2007

Man claimed he rammed St. Louis police car ‘for the black people’

A Bellefontaine Neighbors man was charged Sunday with ramming a St. Louis squad car and injuring two city officers on Friday night.

Michael B Jordan and Kate Mara, who play a brother and sister in "Fantastic Four"

‘Fantastic Four’ Cast Handles Offensive Interview

Host Jason Bailey first asked what he claimed was an “obvious” question about how the two actors’ characters, Johnny and Sue Storm, could logically be brother and sister, as they have been in previous iterations of the story.

Bill O’Reilly Compares #BlackLivesMatter Movement To Gestapo

Bill O’Reilly compared the Black Lives Matter movement to the gestapo Wednesday night, shortly before proclaiming he is the reporter who has done the most to “shed light” on violence against young black men.

Texas State Trooper Brian Encinia stops Sandra Bland's vehicle.

Thanks to the Supreme Court, Traffic Stops Can Become a Gamble Between Life and Death

Recent rulings and past decisions have given police officers the legal elbow room to stop, frisk and arrest whomever they want.


Black South Carolina Trooper Explains Why He Helped a White Supremacist

What the black state trooper saw was a civilian in distress. Yes, this was a white man, attending a white supremacist rally in front of the South Carolina State House. And yes, he was wearing a black T-shirt emblazoned with a swastika.

Reggie Jackson, Head Griot of America's Black Holocaust Museum, was interviewed and photographed by Jabril Faraj at Coffee Makes You Black in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in July 2015.

[ABHM] Lecture series asks ‘Do Black Lives Matter?’

ABHM Head Griot Reggie Jackson is interviewed about the origins of the devaluation of black lives in America. His four-session series covers a 400-year history of the laws, court decisions, customs, pseudo-science, medicine, policing, and other practices that justify and support that attitude that black lives do not matter.

Former Baltimore police officer Bobby Berger, performing in blackface.

Ex-cop and blackface performer’s fundraiser for officers in Freddie Gray case canceled

A local venue on Wednesday abruptly canceled a planned fundraiser for the six Baltimore police officers charged in the arrest and death of Freddie Gray after the scheduled entertainment — a former Baltimore officer singing in blackface — drew sharp criticism.

white squad

Racial Satire ‘White Squad’ Is Painfully Hilarious But All Too Real

A new, brilliant satire by MTV’s “Look Different” anti-bias campaign that tackles racial inequality that privileges white people and disadvantages people of color in everyday situations.

NYT Poll Race Relations 1

Poll Finds Most in U.S. Hold Dim View of Race Relations

In a New York Times poll, nearly six in 10 Americans think race relations are generally bad; four in 10 think the situation is getting worse.

A woman holds a poster bearing the portrait of Sandra Bland, a 28-year-old black woman who reportedly killed herself in a Texas jail cell on July 13th, during a Michael Brown memorial rally on Union Square August 9, 2015 in New York. 
Photo: Kena Betancur (Getty Images)

Cop Threatens to Use Taser on Sandra Bland in New Dash-Cam Video

New dashboard-camera footage has been released showing Sandra Bland’s ill-fated police stop July 10.


President Obama Meets With Emma Didlake, Oldest Living U.S. Veteran

President Barack Obama met in the Oval Office on Friday with Emma Didlake, a 110-year-old who is the oldest living veteran in the United States.

Garner rally

Eric Garner Is Remembered One Year After His Death

Held aloft in her mother’s arms, Legacy Garner, the 15-month-old daughter of Eric Garner, opened a wooden bird cage Friday morning and released a white rock dove.


‘This Is Our Selma’: NC’s Fight for Voting Rights

Monday marks the start of a pivotal voting-rights trial in North Carolina. On the line? Access to the ballot box for tens of thousands of African-American voters.

COLUMBIA, SC - JULY 10:  A crowd cheers as a South Carolina state police honor guard lowers the Confederate flag from the Statehouse grounds on July 10, 2015 in Columbia, South Carolina. Republican Governor Nikki Haley presided over the event after signing the historic legislation the day before. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

NAACP Ends 15-Year Boycott Of South Carolina

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) announced Saturday the end to its 15-year economic boycott of the state of South Carolina.

Statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest in Health Sciences Park, Memphis TN

Memphis, Tenn., Votes to Exhume Body of Confederate General, KKK Leader Buried in City Park

Memphis, Tenn., city leaders unanimously voted on Tuesday night to exhume the body of Nathan Bedford Forrest, a former Confederate general and Ku Klux Klan leader who is buried in the city’s Health Sciences Park, and move him to a private cemetery.


Texas officials: Schools should teach that slavery was ‘side issue’ to Civil War

Five million public school students in Texas will begin using new social studies textbooks this fall based on state academic standards that barely address racial segregation.


The American Revolution was not a whites-only war

The political freedom resulting from the war was earned on battlefields at Lexington and Concord, at the Battle of Bunker Hill and beyond, with the help of black soldiers, both free and enslaved, who fought with the Continental Army.