Breaking News! History in the Making
Why ‘National Dialogue on Race’ Is Needed
One organization is promoting a necessary discussion around race if we want to prevent more deaths like Trayvon Martin’s.
Holder Wants Texas to Clear Voting Changes With the U.S.
The attorney general hopes to combat voter disenfranchisement by making it harder for Texas to change voting laws.
Zimmerman Verdict: 86 Percent of African Americans Disapprove
The vast majority of Black Americans are unhappy that George Zimmerman wasn’t found guilty for the murder of Trayvon Martin.
‘The Snowy Day’: Children’s Book With Black Protagonist is Focus of Exhibit
By Joann Loviglio, Associated Press, TheGrio PHILADELPHIA (AP) — During the height of the civil rights movement, a gentle book about a black boy in a red snowsuit crunch-crunch-crunching through the snow broke down racial barriers and now is the subject of an upcoming exhibit. Ezra Jack Keats’ beloved 1962 book, “The Snowy Day,” is credited…
2 Teens Rescue 5-yr-old Girl From Kidnapping
Two Black teens are being celebrated for thwarting the attempted kidnapping of a 5-year-old girl.
No Déja Vu to Everyone
Jerrianne Hayslett examines the similarities between two high-profile trials in which the defendants were men of color.
Florida ‘stand your ground’ law yields some shocking outcomes depending on how law is applied
An investigation into stand-your-ground laws shows the shocking ways they are invoked and applied to different Florida cases.
Fla. mom gets 20 years in jail for firing warning shots against abusive husband
A Florida woman’s defense failed to protect her from serving time in prison after defending herself against her abusive husband.
Why the Zimmerman Jury Failed Us
Harvard professor Lawrence Bobo explains how the Zimmerman verdict reflects the racism at America’s core – leading to the continual dehumanization of blacks. When cultural racism is this deeply embedded in America’s basic cultural toolkit, it need not be named or even consciously embraced to work its ill effects.
Joining Together in Justice
In this opinion pieces, Charles Blow details the similarities between the fights for racial and sexual equality–and those who oppose both.
Paula’s Worst Ingredients
An analysis of Paula Deen’s bad behavior, including classism, that contribute to her workplace discrimination case.
In rejecting Voting Rights Act, Supreme Court says the South is no different than rest of country on race
Chief Justice John Roberts ejects the notion that the South of today has any lingering challenges that bar minorities from voting.
Jim Crow Returns: The Voting Rights Act Gutted Today!
A Supreme Court decision over voting rights ignores the barriers faced by some to vote, especially in the south, and backtracks on progress.
Paula Deen Scandal Continues As Employees Tell Rainbow/PUSH Coalition Of Alleged Discrimination
The public reacts to Paula Deen’s firing from the Food Network after employees that the cook and TV show host used a racial slur.
Racially Biased Arrests for Pot
Arrests for marijuana use have targeted people of color, even though white people use the drug at similar rates.
Juneteenth: A New Birth of Freedom
June 19th remains an important day of celebration for the Americans who descend from formerly enslaved people.
Frederick Douglass Statue to Be Unveiled in Capitol on Juneteenth Day
A statue of a notable abolitionist was scheduled for unveiling on a day celebrating the end of slavery in the USA.
Race vs. Class: The False Dichotomy
While waiting the latest decision on affirmative action by the Supreme Court, academics seem to condemn considering race in admissions.
Reception to be Held for ABHM’s International Advisory Committee in Milwaukee on June 14, 2013
Members of ABHM’s International Advisory Committee are coming to town to meet the people who helped renew the museum. The museum’s board and staff is holding a reception open to our supporters. We have several exciting developments at the museum to present, too, so… Please come meet and mingle with our International Advisors, Volunteers, Donors, and…