Breaking News! History in the Making
Barbara Walters Rejects George Zimmerman’s Interview Demands
After agreeing to an interview with Barbara Walters, the man charged with murdering Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman, refused.
Voter ID Law Support Linked To Attitudes About African Americans, Study Finds
Despite claims that voter ID laws are not designed on race, research shows that supporters have more negative feelings toward Black Americans.
A Lynching Happens Every 40 Hours
One person explains how violence at the hands of vigilantes and police are modern-day lynchings of Black people.
Minnesota Voter ID Amendment Draws Youth Activists
Minnesota’s youth activists aren’t about to less voter suppression, in the form of ID laws, continue without a fight.
A Brief Look At Past & Future Films On Mandela’s Life
Tambay A. Obenson examines the numerous films depicting the life of South African activist Nelson Mandela.
Nelson Mandela’s 94th Birthday Celebrated Globally Today With 67 Minutes of Public Service
We honor Nelson Mandela, a South African activist for equality who worked to end the apartheid and eventually became president.
Welcome to Dodgeville!
ABHM’s virtual curator Fran Kaplan snapped a photo of lawn decorations reminicent of the Jim Crow era in front of one Dodgeville home.
This Day in Black History: The Niagara Movement Founded
A trailblazing but short-lived movement of Black activists was the first of its king to form in the 20th century.
Sanford decision to move Trayvon Martin memorial causes uproar in black community
A memorial dedicated to Trayvon Martin has been moved after push from the homeowner’s association in the area where he was killed.
Report: 70 percent of African-American children can’t swim
While swimming has been a popular pastime for many, most Black children cannot swim due to segregation’s legacy.
Tea Party Groups In Tennessee Demand Textbooks Overlook U.S. Founder’s Slave-Owning History
Conservative activists in Texas want to rewrite history books and remove and mention of the Founding Fathers owning slaves.
How Did Blacks Travel During Segregation?
The now infamous Green Book was crucial for Black folks to safely travel and find businesses during the Jim Crow Era.
Black Unemployment Inches Up to 14.4%
As the economy worsens, unemployment has increased for Black workers, straining their families and community.
Chris Rock July 4th Tweet Sparks Controversy
The comedian’s social media post was a stark reminder than freedom was not achieved equitably in this country.
Black DAR Members Celebrate Their Ties to the Nation’s Independence
Jessica Morgan, Afro They are a group of African American women who have been able to trace their lineage to the nation’s founding patriots. They gathered for lunch five days before the nation was to celebrate its independence to discuss their role as Black members of the nation’s premiere heritage organization for women—the Daughters of…
Minority Children Going Hungry During Summer Months
Research showing how many Black children do not have enough food in the summer reveals how important meals at school are.
Historic photos of African-American gay men unearthed
Some rarely seen vintage photos of Black gay men have been found, providing a glimpse into the community.
Museum of Fine Arts Boston Receives Monumental Boost To African Art Collection
A Boston museum is the new home for an impressive collection of art pieces thanks to a generous donation by a collector.