Breaking News! History in the Making

Is sexual harassment different from the perspective of black women?
Reporter Adam Howard examines how sexual harassment impacts Black women through the lens of recent happenings in basketball.

Chicago Charter School Boasts 100 Percent Graduation Rate for Third Consecutive Year
One Chicago school continues its track record for excellence and commitment to helping Black students, especially boys.

Blacks Key in 1812 War
While slavery was still the law, Black soldiers played an integral role in one of the USA’s wars with its colonizer.

Freedom Gardens Take Root
The River Road African American Museum director uses Freedom Gardens as unique teaching tools to help her students understand Black history.

This Day in Black History: Muhammad Ali sentenced to five years in prison and fined $10,000
Muhammad Ali is a renowned boxer but also a lawbreaker who resisted the draft for a war he knew was unjust.

This Day in Black History: Civil Rights Act Passed
1964 was a momentous year when President Johnson signed a law that outlawed discrimination based on race, gender, nationality, or religion.

Juneteenth National Freedom Day
Every year, Black Americans recognize the day when soldiers arrived in Galveston to force slaveholders to follow the president’s orders.

Black doctors see hope in TV’s ‘Doc McStuffins’
A children’s television show offers representation and sends an inspiring message that is typically in short supply.

Senate bill would allow Frederick Douglass statue in Capitol
There’s a surprising provision in a bill recently approved by the senate that focuses on keeping Washington D.C. open.

Celebrate the Birthday of James Weldon Johnson, Intellectual, Activist, and Writer of “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing”!
James Weldon Johnson’s poems engaged his powerful voice and encouraged others to rise up and speak out against injustice.

How Can You Measure Income Inequality? Count The Trees
Homes in a verdant neighborhood are likely worth more than those with fewer trees–and may be more likely to house people of color.

On This Day in History: The Largest Slave Revolt in US History Began, Led by Denemark Vesey
Denemark Vesey bravely planned a large slave revolt that may have succeeded if not for a whistleblower.

On This Day in History: The 1920 Duluth MN Lynchings
Today marks the day that three Black circus workers were lynched in Duluth, Minnesota for an alleged sexual assault.

Stop-and-Frisk App Users on the Rise
Thousands have downloaded New York Civil Union’s new app to report stop-and-frisk interactions with the police.

Ziggy Marley: Let’s Not Be Food ‘Lab Rats’
Bob Marley’s son Ziggy is also a musician–and passionate about what we put into our bodies.

Shellie Zimmerman Arrested: George Zimmerman’s Wife Charged With Perjury
The wife of George Zimmerman, who is facing murder charges, has also been arrested after lying to courts about their finances.

Remembering Dr. James Cameron, 1914-2006
Activist and founder of America’s Black Holocaust Museum, Dr. James Cameron, will always be remembered for his work.

First Statue In U.S. Honoring Dred Scott Unveiled Friday In St. Louis
The man who bravely argued that Black people are humans and deserve to be treated as such will be honored with a new statue at a college.