Breaking News! History in the Making

Prosecutor charges Zimmerman with second-degree murder
George Zimmerman, who shot and killed Black youth Trayvon Martin, will face charges in a trial according to recent updates.

Jane Bolin-The First Black Female Judge
Jane Bolin’s birth heralded changes in law and justice in New York and around the country that continue to this day.

This Day in Black History
Spelman College has provided Black women in America with education opportunities for over 100 years and remains a quality institution.

Room 4 Debate: Do Black Men Care Enough About Sexual Assault?
The way Black men talk about Black women may be indicative of a larger issue surrounding racialized sexism.

David Leonard Takes on Racism and White Privilege
One professor explains how Black peopel have a far different experience then their white peers–and urges those peers to act.

Prosecutor in Martin Case Will Alone Determine Its Merits
The fate of high profile legal case that has garnered the attention of millions around the world lies in the hands of a few.

2 Tulsa Shooting Suspects Confess, Police Say
A holiday shooting in Tulsa appears to be racially motivated according to people close to the shooters,

A ‘Hu-Manifesto’ for a Post-Trayvon World
Farai Chideya details the five components of an equitable and free life for everyone, regardless of skin color.

Are Children Racially Biased?
A CNN report reveals that children experience racial bias at a young age and that bias may be against their own skin color.

More Discrimination Cited In Housing Practices
The National Fair Housing Alliance has released a report about one bank’s racially biased mortgage practices.

Room for Debate: Are America’s Public Schools Still Unequal and Unjust?
Black students struggle with barriers to education that are not shared by some of their white peers according to research.

This Day in Black History
A rebellion consisting of enslaved people and Native Americans shows how deep the desire for freedom lies.

Two-tone Twins!
Born to biracial parents, these twin sisters share many features–but not their skin color.

Does “George Zimmerman” Dwell Within You?
While many of us would like to think we are not capable of taking another person’s life, we must recognize the influence of our society.

This Day in Black History
Renowned activists Booker T. Washington who was born shortly after slavery’s end spent his life fighting for equal rights.

Ex-New Orleans cops get prison time in Danziger Bridge shootings
From CNN The Wire A federal judge Wednesday sentenced five former New Orleans police officers to prison terms ranging from six to 65 years for the shootings of unarmed civilians in the chaotic aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The shootings occurred on the Danziger Bridge on September 4, 2005, six days after much of New Orleans…

The Day That Changed Black America
Every April, we have the opportunity to reflect on a great Civil Rights leader and why working toward equality angers so many.

Sculptor Elizabeth Catlett Sculptor Dies At 96
A talented art whose work can be found in museums and the city of New Orleans has passed from natural causes.