Breaking News! History in the Making

Black Filmmaker Wins Big With ‘Undefeated’
Martin’s 2011 film about one Mississippi high school football team won, among other awards, the Oscar for best documentary.

On This Date In History: Runaway slave is first to die in American Revolution
The Boston Massacre was a riot between American colonists and British soldiers that turned deadly, paving the way for revolution.

Enslaved Africans’ sculptures brings slave history to life in Yonkers
Artist Vinnie Bagwell has big ideas for The Enslaved Africans’ Rain Garden, which includes multiple statues honoring enslaved people.

City of Chicago’s 175th Birthday
Chicago owes much to Jean Baptiste Pointe DuSable, who became the area’s first non-indigenous resident and helped develop the city.

On this date in American history: The “Weeping Time”
We remember the largest-ever sale of Black slaves in the country, which happened in Savannah, Georgia, on this day.

Jeremy Lin’s Triumph Over Stereotype Threat
Why low expectations based on our race or gender can be so hard to overcome.Read the article:

Happy 145th Birthday to Howard University!
Howard University remains perhaps the best-known HBCU to this day, and its birthday is a day for celebration!

Swann Galleries African Americana Auction Becomes Annual Rite
Swann Galleries’ African American art auction has become like the Superbowl for those interested in Black culture and history.

Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin challenges affirmative action in higher education
The Supreme Court will see a case alleging that affirmation action cannot legally be uphelp at the University of Texas Austin.

Biracial Man, 24, Goes From Homeless to Mayor
Svante Myrick became Ithaca, New York’s first Black mayor–and the youngest in the state–after sharing his story of homelessness.

Children in LGBT families of color face double stigma
Several organizations joined forces to investigate the impact of being part of an LGBT family on children of color.

KKK flyers distributed to homes in Georgia town
Black Georgians woke up to racist propaganda placed in one Newnan neighborhood by the Ku Klux Klan.

Happy Birthday, Harry Belafonte, life-long advocate for human rights!
The Hon. Laura Richardson of California in the House of Representatives gave a moving tribute to Harry Belafonte on his birthday.

On this date, March 1st, in 1780, Pennsylvania became the first state to abolish slavery (sort of..).
In Pennsylvania, the road to abolishing slavery was slow, even though it started in nearly 100 years before national emancipation.

Let’s Celebrate Women!
Today (2/29) is a “bridge” day between Black History Month and the month in which the world observes International Women’s Day (3/8). To celebrate, ABHM brings you two powerful videos. A powerful recitation by Alfre Woodard of Sojourner Truth’s speech, “Ain’t I a Woman?” (from YouTube)

NY Stock Exchange Recognizes African-American Pioneers (VIDEO)
Black pioneers of the New York Stock Exchange such as Joseph L. Searles III and brokerage firm Daniels & Bell received recognition.

Octavia Spencer: I’m done with the bad parts
Octavia Spencer views her career and her worth as an actor differently now that she has won an Academy Award.

Octavia Spencer of ‘The Help’ wins best-supporting actress Oscar for role she inspired
Octavia Spencer wins an Oscar for her role in The Help.

Commentary: Remembering Black Atheists From History
While, not all Black Americans find community or meaning in religion, some Black atheists must deal with stigma.