Community members express anger over teen’s traffic stop death after officer faces no charges
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By Deena Zaru, ABC News
Police launched an internal investigation into the death of Stanley Davis III.

Community members voiced their concerns during a city commission meeting in Boynton Beach, Florida, on Tuesday evening after an investigation into the death of a 13-year-old boy, who died after his dirt bike crashed during an attempted traffic stop, determined that the officer will not face any changes.
Stanley Davis III, known as “SJ” to his family and friends, died on Dec. 26, 2021, after he lost control of his dirt bike and crashed into a curb while being pursued by a Boynton Beach police officer.
“I think it was a slap in the face, a disservice and a dishonor for highway patrol to come to that conclusion,” a community member told incoming city officials who were sworn into office during the meeting.
“You all right now have the opportunity to do the right thing — to make that determination to terminate him … this SJ movement is still what it’s about and we’re asking that you all pay attention to it.”
[…] Davis’ parents, Stanley Davis, Jr. and Shannon Thompson, urged city officials to hold police accountable for their son’s death and called for the officer’s termination during a press conference last month.
“It’s unfortunate that he was chased to his death and taken away from not only myself but the family and the community,” Thomson said during the press conference on March 1.
Learn more about the reaction to the investigation’s conclusion and Davis’ death.
Davis is just one of the unarmed black men who have died during interactions with the police.
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