Democracy for Black Americans Is Under Attack


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Summary of Gary Fields’ article “Democracy for Black Americans Under Attack” published by Associated Press April 26, 2023.

Democracy For Blacks Under Attack
Censorship, black history suppression and hate crime are all on the rise.

On April 15, the National Urban League released its 46th edition of its annual State of Black America report. The 2023 report, entitled Democracy in Peril: Confronting the Threat Within records a number of alarming trends, such as hate crimes against Black Americans on the rise and extremist views by people in powerful government positions that threaten democracy nationwide.

In response to George Floyd’s killing, UCLA Law School launched ‘Forward Tracking Project.’ Since September 2020, the project has shown that that 670 bills were proposed across 209 US localities to curb diversity training and critical race theory teachings. This leads to fears that future leaders may never really comprehend the full history of the US or the social justice issues crucial for multiracial democratic progress.

In this year alone, practically one-third all reported hate crime incidents have targeted Black people. Rachel Carroll Rivas, deputy director of research with the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Intelligence Project, said, “we see a very clear and concerning threat to America and a disproportionate impact on Black Americans.”

Read the complete article here.

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