2023 Coming To The Table

A “Coming To The Table” Gathering

Coming To The Table assembles racial healing talking circles to address interpersonal, community, and structural racial violence and trauma. At CTTT, descendants of those who were enslaved, descendants of slave owners, Indigenous community members, and all those interested in engaging in safe constructive dialogue are invited to come together.


Coming To The Table’s Vision and Mission

Vision: The Coming to the Table vision for the United States is of a just and truthful society that acknowledges and seeks to heal from the racial wounds of the past—from slavery and the many forms of racism it spawned.

Mission: Coming to the Table provides leadership, resources, and a supportive environment for all who wish to acknowledge and heal wounds from racism that is rooted in the United States’ history of slavery.

The CTTT approach to achieving this vision and mission is grounded in theories and practices of Strategies for Trauma Awareness & Resilience (STAR), with a particular focus on Transforming Historical Harms and their trans-generational transmission, working toward racial justice and equity through a Restorative lens, and utilizing Circle Process and Touchstones to create space in which participants feel safe enough, and motivated, to do the work. Then, the CTTT Approach involves four interrelated practices:

  1. Uncovering History: researching, acknowledging, and sharing personal, family, community, state, and national histories of race with openness and honesty
  2. Making Connections: connecting to others within and across racial lines in order to develop and deepen relationships
  3. Working Toward Healing: exploring how we can heal together through dialogue, reunion, ritual, meditation, prayer, ceremony, the arts, apology and other methods
  4. Taking Action: actively seeking to dismantle systems of racial inequality, injustice, and oppression; to work for the transformation of our nation.

The event is finished.


Nov 15 2023


Pacific Time
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

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Virtual Event


Coming To The Table