National Black Nurses Conference
NBNA Fifty Years and Beyond: Leading the Way in Innovation, Built Environments, Advocacy, Mentorship and Community Engagement
This confererence is the best in state of the art continued education. Up to 23 CEs in 5 days are offered during the duration of the annual event. Also offered: Career fair for local job seekers, Exhibitors showcasing schools of nursing and health systems and more, Scholarship awards, networking, and fun.
• Discuss the gaps of social injustice and health disparities.
• Discuss innovative trends in health care delivery and equity in healthcare.
• Examine emerging opportunities to transform the future of nursing through innovative nursing practice, education, research and policy advocacy.
• Identify new models of care to reduce inequities in health care and improve health outcomes for minority and underserved communities.
The NBNA mission is “to serve as the voice for Black nurses and diverse populations ensuring equal access to professional development, promoting educational opportunities and improving health.” NBNA chapters offer voluntary hours providing health education and screenings to community residents in collaboration with community-based partners, including faith-based organizations, civic, fraternal, hospitals, and schools of nursing.
For more information, visit www.nbna.org. #NBNAResilient.