Grand Rapids officer charged with second-degree murder in shooting of Patrick Lyoya, prosecutor says


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By Peter Nickeas and Ray Sanchez, CNN

Patrick Lyoya, who was killed by a Grand Rapids police officer, in a family photo.

A police officer was charged Thursday with one count of second-degree murder in the killing of Patrick Lyoya, who was shot in the back of the head during a struggle after an April traffic stop, a Michigan prosecutor said.

Lyoya, a Black man, was shot to death on April 4 by Christopher Schurr, a white Grand Rapids police officer trying to arrest him after a traffic stop in a case that has drawn national attention. Lyoya’s final moments were captured in multiple videos later released to the public.

“This is not a message. This is just based on the facts and making a decision in this case,” Kent County Prosecuting Attorney Christopher Becker told reporters Thursday, referring to the charge.

Grand Rapids Police Department Chief Eric Winstrom, who spoke with other city officials at a news conference later Thursday, said he was recommending to the city Schurr’s suspension without pay, pending termination. The officer will have a discharge hearing, and the final determination on his employment will be made by the city manager…

Peter Lyoya, Patrick’s father, said Thursday that the charge brings some relief to the family, even though his son is never coming back.

Read more about the ruling.

While some people felt failed by a similar trial against George Zimmerman, a shift in attitudes resuled in more police and vigilantes to facing consequences.

Unfortunately, shootings like this still make up many news articles about Black Americans.

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