Jay-Z Joins Forces with Twitter Co-Founder to Launch Bitcoin Academy in Brooklyn
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By Noah A. McGee, TheRoot
Bitcoin Academy will launch in Marcy Projects, where Jay-Z was raised.

Jay-Z said in 2005, “I’m not a businessman, I’m a business man.” Well, it seems he’s taking his business back to his old stomping grounds in the Marcy Projects located in Brooklyn, New York.
Alongside Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey, Jay-Z is launching The Bitcoin Academy which will teach people about bitcoin.
Jay-Z said in 2005, “I’m not a businessman, I’m a business man.” Well, it seems he’s taking his business back to his old stomping grounds in the Marcy Projects located in Brooklyn, New York.
Alongside Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey, Jay-Z is launching The Bitcoin Academy which will teach people about bitcoin.
The Bitcoin Academy hopes to provide free in-person and online education classes teaching potential students about bitcoin. While it is currently focused on the Marcy Houses, they plan to expand to other neighborhoods in New York City soon. The classes will be offered from June 22 through September 7, according to the academy website.
Learn more about Jay-Z’s latest project.
Could this academy make history like Compton’s Communicative Arts Academy in the ’70s?
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