Kansas Lynching Victims Memorial


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Name Murdered In Date
Adams, DanSalina, KSApril 20, 1893
Alexander, FredLeavenworth, KSJanuary 15, 1901
Fisher, RichardHiawatha, KSSeptember 9, 1889
Henry, HughLarned, KSSeptember 14, 1892
Herman, DoctorTopeka, KSMay 13, 1901
Godley, MontgomeryPittsburg, KSDecember 25, 1902
King, IsaacLawrence, KSJune 10, 1882
Luggle, JeffCherokee, KSApril 24, 1894
Mills, GeorgeWeir, KSOctober 30, 1899
Robertson, GeorgeLawrence, KSJune 10, 1882
Thompson, JamesLarned, KSSeptember 14, 1889
True, CommodoreHiawatha, KSNovember 28, 1892
Williams, CharlesGalena, KSApril 25, 1899
Wilson, JohnLeavenworth, KSAugust 21, 1893
Vinegar, PeterLawrence, KSJune 10, 1882

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