Michelle Obama Has An Update For ‘When They Go Low, We Go High’
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By Ryan Grenoble, Huffington Post
“Going high isn’t just about the fight you want to win, but it’s also about the person you want to be”

Former First Lady Michelle Obama
“When they go low,” Michelle Obama famously said in a rousing July 2016 speech amid a brutal election cycle, “We go high.”
Donald Trump would go on to win the White House, thanks in no small part to those “low” tactics, which have since become a fixture of his administration.
Now, going on two years later, would the former first lady like to amend her remarks?
Not really. Except to note that “going high” doesn’t mean backing down from what you believe in.
Obama expanded on the thought in an interview with Blavity, a media website centered around black millennials, encouraging readers ― and politicians ― to not undercut themselves by stooping to Trump’s level:
“I absolutely still believe that we’ve got to go high ― always and without exception,” she said. “It’s the only way we can keep our dignity. Because if we lose our dignity, what do we have left?
“When someone’s trying to pull you down into the mud, it takes a lot less effort to give in and join them in the muck than to keep yourself upright, standing tall. If you allow yourself to play on their terms, they win. It’s what they want you to do. You can’t give them the satisfaction.”
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