Murphy’s Law City a Leader in White Nationalism
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By Bruce Murphy,
New Berlin is headquarters for neo-Nazi party founded by George Lincoln Rockwell.

City of New Berlin
President Donald Trump’s recent pronouncement that he is “a nationalist” triggered much media speculation about its meaning, with historian Michael Beschloss tracing it to the views of George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of the American Nazi Party, who wrote a book called “The Nationalist Perspective.”
It was not the first time such a connection has been made. In January 2016 Trump retweeted a tweet that included white nationalist sentiments along with a photo of Rockwell.
And the anti-semitic views that apparently drove Robert Bowers to kill Jewish people at the Pittsburgh synagogue have also been traced to Rockwell and his continuing influence.

George Lincoln Rockwell. Photo is in the Public Domain
Before he died in 1967, Rockwell changed the name of his Nazi group to the National Socialist White People’s Party (NSWPP), and his confederate and eventual successor, Matthias “Matt” Koehl changed the group’s name to the New Order.
And the New Order has been headquartered in New Berlin, WI, since the 1980s. That’s right, what is perhaps the key center of white nationalism in America was established in a quiet suburb of Milwaukee on a secluded, 88-acre rural property that Koehl dubbed “Nordland.” The 88 acres was also symbolic: H is the eighth letter in the German language and HH is a shorthand for “Heil Hitler.” Adding to the creepy atmosphere, Rockwell’s remains (the ashes from his cremation) were actually interred in the Memorial room at the headquarters…
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