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NY Democrat apologizes after comparing Buffalo mayoral candidate India Walton to KKK leader


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By Biba Adams,


The leader of the New York State Democratic Party apologized this week after he compared India Walton, a Black nominee for mayor of the city of Buffalo, to former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke….


“David Duke — you remember him, the grand wizard of the KKK — he moves to New York; he becomes a Democrat, he runs for mayor in the city of Rochester, which is a low primary turnout, and he wins the Democratic line. I have to endorse David Duke?”

Jay Jacobs, in response to a question Monday from Spectrum News‘ Morgan McKay about what it means to have outside candidates compete for important nominations, replied “I think it then leads you to the question is it always a requirement of a Democratic elected official, or perhaps the State Chair or party chairs, is it a requirement that if someone wins the Democratic primary, they must always get the Democratic endorsement of these people? And that’s a question I would answer no, it’s not.”

Other New York Democrats have balked at Jacobs’ statements. “The statement was totally unacceptable, and the analogy used was outrageous and beyond absurd,” Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schemer of New York said in a statement to The Washington Post. 


Democratic Buffalo mayoral primary candidate India Walton delivers her victory speech after defeating incumbent Byron Brown in June’s election. (Photo: Robert Kirk ham/The Buffalo News via AP)


Read  the full article here – here.

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By Biba Adams,

The leader of the New York State Democratic Party apologized this week after he compared India Walton, a Black nominee for mayor of the city of Buffalo, to former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke….

“David Duke — you remember him, the grand wizard of the KKK — he moves to New York; he becomes a Democrat, he runs for mayor in the city of Rochester, which is a low primary turnout, and he wins the Democratic line. I have to endorse David Duke?”

Jay Jacobs, in response to a question Monday from Spectrum News‘ Morgan McKay about what it means to have outside candidates compete for important nominations, replied “I think it then leads you to the question is it always a requirement of a Democratic elected official, or perhaps the State Chair or party chairs, is it a requirement that if someone wins the Democratic primary, they must always get the Democratic endorsement of these people? And that’s a question I would answer no, it’s not.”

Other New York Democrats have balked at Jacobs’ statements. “The statement was totally unacceptable, and the analogy used was outrageous and beyond absurd,” Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schemer of New York said in a statement to The Washington Post. 


Democratic Buffalo mayoral primary candidate India Walton delivers her victory speech after defeating incumbent Byron Brown in June’s election. (Photo: Robert Kirk ham/The Buffalo News via AP)


Read  the full article here – here.

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