Oprah: Trayvon Martin The ‘Same Thing’ As Emmett Till


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By Jack Mirkinson, HuffingtonPost.com

In a brief clip that aired on Monday’s “Today”, Oprah Winfrey compared the killing of Trayvon Martin to that of Emmett Till, the young black boy whose brutal murderhelped fuel the civil rights movement. It was one of her first public

Trayvon Martin 1995-2012
Trayvon Martin 1995-2012

comments about the case, which has seen African Americans and whites sharply divided about whether George Zimmerman’s acquittal was just.

Emmet Till 1941-1955
Emmet Till 1941- 1955

“Trayvon Martin, parallel to Emmett Till,” Oprah told The Grio’s Chris Witherspoon. “Let me just tell you, in my mind, same thing. But you can stuck in that and not allow yourself to move forward and to see how far we’ve come.” In a previous interview with Diane Sawyer, she said her new movie, “The Butler,” could offer an answer to white people who were confused as to why African Americans were so outraged about Martin’s death.

Oprah also appeared on “CBS This Morning” for that show’s entire second hour, talking about things as varied as morning sex, her upcoming interview with Lindsay Lohan, and her network, OWN. “We’re having fun, we’re making money, we’re really in the business,” she said of OWN.


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