Piers Morgan and Sharon Osbourne: A Masterclass in racism
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By Shana Pinnock, The Griot
Unless you’ve been stuck under a proverbial rock this week, you’ve witnessed the repeated exercises in racist gaslighting that has played out front and center in the media.
This past Sunday, the bombshell Oprah Winfrey interview with Meghan Markle and Prince Harry hit airwaves and subsequently stirred up a number of emotions on the interwebs. Upon hearing firsthand accounts from both Meghan and her husband about the subtle and overt racism she faced from the British press, as well as the Royal Family, I can confidently say — especially for Black women — though most of us were unsurprised by Meghan’s experiences, we were also empathetic to the mental toll the abuse of her time in the U.K. took upon her…
While those of us of melanin persuasion clearly saw the years of obvious racism Meghan was subjected to by the U.K. press, some white folks have apparently struggled with removing their “color-blind” rose-colored glasses. Granted, while I give respect to the white people in the U.K. and here in the U.S. that have been able to full-throatily identify her treatment as racist; it has been disappointing to see how many of the Beige Brigade would rather tell us it’s actually our feelings and our reality that is the problem.
Somehow, some white people have been left to believe that they can define what racism is, what it looks like, and what it feels like…
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