Racial Satire ‘White Squad’ Is Painfully Hilarious But All Too Real
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By Aaron Barksdale,
This satirical ad nails everyday racial inequality.
Meet the “White Squad” a group of well-meaning white people looking to help out people of color. The squad is introduced in a new, brilliant satire by MTV’s “Look Different” anti-bias campaign that tackles racial inequality that privileges white people and disadvantages people of color in everyday situations.
In the video, members of the company provide a white stand-in for minorities who may encounter discrimination.

“Is your skin color holding you back? Are you tired of systemic prejudice ruining your day?” the narrator asks before before offering “professional white advantage services,” which include hailing a cab, finding a better apartment and seeking legal services.
From their paste-colored office to their all-white employees, the company insures that their whiteness will work in your favor. With a few convincing testimonials, it’s hard to believe that this isn’t an actual service.
While entertaining, the video raises some disturbing flags of actual oppression that can’t be fixed with a call to a 1-800 number.
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