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This exhibit features a video along with many links to resources that can help you better understand the phenomenon of lynchings. The video give a brief but very complete explanation of how and why racial terror lynchings took place and how they set the stage for current racial injustices.
Read More >Among the questions to be explored by our Griot this month: How can understanding African American history inform your understanding of a work of art? How can understanding that history explain our current racial climate? How did we get to the current racial climate – and how can we heal our future?
Read More >Race and the Criminal Justice System in Milwaukee County and how to dismantle racism in Kenosha are on the speaking schedule this month.
Read More >This month, ABHM’s Head Griot Reggie Jackson speaks about the history of residential segregation in Milwaukee and Racine to the employees of Northwestern Mutual Insurance Company at their national headquarters in Milwaukee and to the public at the Racine Library.
Read More >Music education often suffers when budgets shrink, but some argue that it’s critical to build young minds and encourage creativity.
Read More >By Jason Johnson, The Root This week five African-American students at Air Force Academy Prep School in Colorado found the words “Niggers Go Home” scrawled on the dry erase boards…
Read More >NAACP and Airbnb launch a new collaboration of partnership to bring forth and create an atmosphere of inclusion with the African-American community throughout the United States. This partnership will include greater participation in all aspects from vending and supply services, to increasing the volume of African-American hosts. The efforts also endeavor to rid the Airbnb platform of those hosts that desire to be discriminatory against African-American patronage. Additionally, to assist with aiding African-Americans with keep their homes by educating homeowners how to become an Airbnb host. Enabling many to earn money renting their homes and rooms, helping them to maintain their mortgages.
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