Did a Fear of Slave Revolts Drive American Independence?

FOR more than two centuries, we have been reading the Declaration of Independence wrong. Or rather, we’ve been celebrating the Declaration as people in the 19th and 20th centuries have told us we should, but not the Declaration as Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and John Adams wrote it. To them, separation from Britain was as much, if not more, about racial fear and exclusion as it was about inalienable rights.

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Commemorating 52nd Anniversary of the March on Washington

It is not an overstatement to remind the current generation in our country that Dr. King, and so many, many others, “marched” so that it would not be necessary 52 years later for our children and grandchildren to march to tell our nation TODAY, that “Black Lives Matter.”

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ABHM featured on Milwaukee Public Television

The August 5, 2015 MPTV program Trippin’ includes a virtual visit to ABHM and describes the rich historical and contemporary resources to be found on the site. Three other Wisconsin museums that exhibit local and national black history are also visited.

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