Jasmine Crowe’s Free Grocery Store in Atlanta Aids in the Fight to End Hunger

By Okla Jones, TheRoot.com The free grocery store in Ronald McNair Middle School includes food, toiletries and clothing, serving about 80 families a week. Atlanta—the Black Mecca, as some folks call it—is a place people of color have moved to in order to gain success. The city is filled with multiple Fortune 500 businesses, a budding economy,…

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DOJ Announces New Limits on Chokeholds and No-Knock Warrants

By Rachel Pilgrim, TheRoot.com The agency acknowledged that the tactics lead to unnecessary deaths but doesn’t outright ban them in the new directive. In the past year, the calls to end fatal encounters with law enforcement have only gotten louder. Many of the physical restraints and apprehension tactics that result in the unnecessary deaths of Black…

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