Jay Z and Harvey Weinstein to Bring Trayvon Martin’s Story to Film and TV

From: Colorlines Written By: Sameer Rao In the article “Jay Z and Harvey Weinstein to Bring Trayvon Martin’s Story to Film and TV,” culture reporter/blogger Sameer Rao highlights Jay Z Carter’s collaboration with producer Harvey Weinstein to create a narrative film and docuseries on the 2012 murder that lit the fuse of the Black Lives…

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Horror Film About Racism Earns Coveted 100 Percent On Rotten Tomatoes

From: Huffington Post Black Voices Written By: Carla Herreria Herreria writes: “‘Get Out,’ a psychological thriller about racism written and directed by Peele, earned a coveted 100-percent score on the film review aggregation website Rotten Tomatoes.” In a recent post, “Horror Film About Racism Earns Coveted 100 Percent On Rotten Tomatoes,” Carla Herreria expresses critics’…

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White allies show solidarity with Black Lives Matter

In the wake of the recent police killings of two black men, Philando Castile and Alton Sterling, public opinion, particularly among white people, has started to shift. Forty new chapters of a national network of groups and individuals organizing white people for racial justice –– Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) –– have formed in the weeks since the incidents.

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In the Turmoil Over Race and Policing, Children Pay a Steep Emotional Price

By YAMICHE ALCINDOR, New York Times In the past week alone, there was the 4-year-old girl in Falcon Heights, Minn., who was captured on video consoling her mother after they watched a police officer shoot the mother’s boyfriend through the window of a car. And there was the 15-year-old boy in Baton Rouge, La., who sobbed uncontrollably in…

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Study Supports Suspicion That Police Are More Likely to Use Force on Blacks

A new study has found that the race of the person being stopped by police officers is significant in terms of how much force is used. The study of thousands of use-of-force episodes from police departments across the nation has concluded what many people have long thought, but which could not be proved because of a lack of data: African-Americans are far more likely than whites and other groups to be the victims of use of force by the police, even when racial disparities in crime are taken into account.

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Being Black And Loud Is Necessary, One Poet Demands

“This can’t be the land of the free and home of the brave only for some.” By Taryn Finley, The Huffington Post Black voices should never be silenced. This was April Wells’ message in her poem “Loud Voices,” which she performed at the Get Lit Classic Slam in Southern California. The teen shunned the notion that…

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How Rosa Parks’ Legacy Lives On In The Black Lives Matter Movement

Rosa Parks would believe that #BlackLivesMatter, too. By Zeba Blay, the Huffington Post Sixty years ago on this day, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama bus and settled in to American history. We’ve seen the iconic pictures of Parks getting booked at the police station, or later staged seated on…

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