Royce White, Former NBA Player, Shakes Up US Senate GOP Primary Race in Minnesota

Former NBA player, Royce White, seeks nomination for the US Senate GOP primary in MN. As a Black man, White says he can appeal to POC voters. However, White has drawn controversy with past misogynistic, homophobic, and antisemitic social media comments. White praises Steve Bannon as a “hero” and calls conspiracy theorist, Alex Jones, a friend.

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Stephen A. Smith’s Non-Apology ‘Apology’ 

Stephen A. Smith compared Trump’s criminal charges to the legal attacks on heroic Black historical figures—now he’s “apologizing.” Smith claimed the Black community relates to Trump’s legal struggles. Yet, after receiving large backlash, he said his words were “taken out of context” and “misconstrued.”

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Trained in Rites of Passage, Now They’re Training Black Male Youth

The Baltimore Rites of Passage Initiative (BROPI) is a multigenerational mentorship program which empowers Black men to embrace positive masculinity. BROPI has trained 16 Black men to become mentors to Black youth. The group will teach mentees about Black history, mental health, anger management, and alternatives to violence, among other things.

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