Posts Tagged ‘Civil Rights Movement’
Dr. Maya Angelou Funeral Details
Poet and activists Maya Anjelou’s passing will be recognized by at a large public funeral attended by dignitaries.
Read MoreMost of you have no idea what Martin Luther King actually did
Hamden Rice writes about Martin Luther King Jr.’s impact his life has on Black Americans who lived in terror of white violence.
Read MoreCelebrating the ‘complete’ Martin Luther King Jr.; unfinished work and all
We are all familiar with Martin Luther King’s achievements, but the work he was unable to complete also tells an important story.
Read MoreTurning the Tables on Civil Rights: The 1970s and 1980s
Why didn’t the Civil Rights Movement end racism in America? The social movements of the 1960s achieved some important changes for civil rights, women’s rights, and the environment. However, not everyone agreed with these changes. During the 1970s and 1980s, opponents started a movement of their own. Their goal was to overturn the gains of the 1960s.
Read MoreThis Day in Black History: Young Demonstrators March in Birmingham
Young protestors who were inspired by civil rights activists held a protest in Birmingham, Alabama that led to police involvement.
Read MoreThis Day in Black History: The Freedom Rides Began
A PBS special celebrates a group who participated in non-violent racial activism despite threats and violence received.
Read MoreThe Day That Changed Black America
Every April, we have the opportunity to reflect on a great Civil Rights leader and why working toward equality angers so many.
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