Special News Series: Rising Up For Justice! – Survey Shows Black Voters Are Fired Up to Vote Trump Out

[A]ccording to a new poll from the Black political advocacy group Black Futures Lab, Black Americans say they haven’t been deterred from showing up to the polls, with 81 percent of respondents saying they plan on voting in the general election. Black voters are more motivated to vote Trump out than they are to vote Biden in, plan to vote in-person, and are most concerned about race and discrimination as a national issue, followed by COVID-19 and the economy.

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Donald Trump’s ‘Lynching’

In the wake of another infuriating Tweet from President Trump, Jamelle Bouie brings both the content of the Tweet and one of its biggest defendants into the larger context of racial violence.

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The Lost Promise of Reconstruction

Eric Foner draws parallels between our tense political climate and the end of the Reconstruction Age, overviewing the backward steps our country has taken as we move further from the promises of Reconstruction.

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