Posts Tagged ‘Donald Trump’
Under Trump, Justice Department Resumes Fight for White Privilege
Affirmative Action, which benefits the disenfranchised, is again the subject of debate about discrimination against whites.
Read MoreBlack Unemployment Hits Historic Low. Should Trump Get Credit or Are We Getting Played?
In an economy that currently has the lowest African American unemployment rate since 2000, people are wondering who’s to blame. Most likely, not Trump read the article to find out why.
Read MoreHow Do We Fight Back Against Trump and His Fake News?
From: The Root By: Monique Judge Amidst the drama and craziness surrounding the Trump presidency, the concept known as “Fake News” has been at the heat of President Donald Trump’s frustration. Monique Judge defines what fake news really is as she writes, “fake news is something that is created intentionally to deceive; that it not…
Read MoreDeportation of African and Other Black Immigrants Quietly Increasing
By David Love Although often not covered in the media, the African immigrant community is facing mass deportations in the era of Donald Trump. While the immigration debate in the U.S. is often framed in terms of undocumented immigrants from Mexico and Central America on the one hand and the infamous Muslim travel ban on…
Read MoreChicago Violence Requires A Real Commitment, Not A Passing Presidential Tweet
A video clip and reflections by Rev. Al Sharpton on gun violence in Chicago and the need for real commitment to address this problem.
Read MoreSchools prepare for Trump by creating safe spaces for undocumented students
Amid the concerns for immigrant families about the new Trump administration schools all across the United States are taking steps to protect students.
Read MoreBlack women voted for white women — and white women voted for themselves
That Donald Trump, with no prior political experience, was elected to the highest office of the most powerful country on earth was shocking. What exit poll data revealed was utterly astounding. More than half of the white women who voted — 53 percent — had voted for Donald Trump.
Read MoreWhitelash and Blacklash
By Sharon Leslie Morgan and Thomas Norman DeWolf, Beacon Broadside [Editor’s note: Normally we excerpt articles, posting only a portion and including a link back to the original article. This time, however, because many visitors to ABHM are struggling to make sense of the election and what to do now, we have decided to post…
Read MoreIt’s Time to Ring the Alarm About White Nationalism
The media reports on Islamic terrorism and individual ambushes of police, but it has largely overlooked increasingly brazen demonstrations and violence by the Far Right, treating each as a separate unconnected episode. But are they? In the last year, the level of violence has ramped up dramatically.
Read MoreDonald Trump says African-American youths ‘have no spirit’
On the same day that a New Hampshire poll put Donald Trump second in the race to be the Republican Party’s nominee for president in 2016, the New York mogul said that African-American youths had “no spirit” and blamed Barack Obama for dividing the country.
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