Frederick Douglass Day of Acknowledgment

Frederick Douglass Day illuminates the role of African Americans in the history of the Eastern Shore and lifting up their contributions, serving as an exciting celebration of the heritage and culture of the African American community.

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Sailing to Freedom: Maritime Dimensions of the Underground Railroad

Sailing to Freedom: Maritime Dimensions of the Underground Railroad highlights little-known stories and describes the less-understood maritime side of the Underground Railroad, including the impact of African Americans’ paid and unpaid waterfront labor. Self-emancipation along the Underground Railroad was not entirely by overland routes. A great number of enslaved persons made their way to freedom using…

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Soon Come // a group exhibition by the 2024 Young Artist Archival Fellowship

In the pursuit of nuance, we foreground the need to reclaim  histories that conjure the power to push through, to recreate and expand.  The revolutionary act of confronting to retrieve is not one that is meek, it is diligent and forceful. This exhibition explores inquiries of  revolutionary love, spirituality, identity and imagination. Textiles, photography, video,…

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