Inside the New Partnership Between Airbnb and the NAACP

NAACP and Airbnb launch a new collaboration of partnership to bring forth and create an atmosphere of inclusion with the African-American community throughout the United States. This partnership will include greater participation in all aspects from vending and supply services, to increasing the volume of African-American hosts. The efforts also endeavor to rid the Airbnb platform of those hosts that desire to be discriminatory against African-American patronage. Additionally, to assist with aiding African-Americans with keep their homes by educating homeowners how to become an Airbnb host. Enabling many to earn money renting their homes and rooms, helping them to maintain their mortgages.

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NAACP -On The Road To Change Part 1 – Civil Rights Organization Evolving To Tackle Modern Challenges

NAACP makes sweeping changes to their organization platform in order to better meet the modern day challenges that African-Americans face. Challenges representative of days ago, like Jim Crow legacies, laws, unjust judicial systems, housing covenants. educational barriers and restrictions of mobility in and throughout America for African Americans. New leadership is installed, new strategies toward improvement and greater inclusiveness of the youth is most important to how we effect change in the organization. Start by seeking opportunities that reach out and retain activists and activism involving youth of today.

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Efforts by Counties and Towns to Purge Minority Voters From Rolls

Sparta, Georgia, is purging its voter rolls of African Americans. Before the 1965 Voting Rights Act was gutted by the Supreme Court, this is precisely the sort of electoral maneuver that once would have needed Justice Department approval before it could be put in effect. And this is but one of many places in the USA where such seemingly small but effective efforts at voter suppression are taking place ahead of November’s presidential election.

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By Us, For Us: The Crucial Role of the Black Press

This exhibit gives a short history of the black press, some of the important journalist involved, and the vital role it has played in advancing the ideals of American democracy and supporting African American identity and culture.

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This Day in History, the NAACP Was Founded

From Wikipedia The NAACP was founded on February 12, 1909 by a diverse group composed of W.E.B. Du Bois, Ida B. Wells, Archibald Grimké, Henry Moscowitz, Mary White Ovington, Oswald Garrison Villard, William English Walling (the last son of a former slave-holding family), Florence Kelley, a social reformer and friend of Du Bois, and Charles Edward Russell, a renowned muckraker and close friend of Walling who helped…

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