Posts Tagged ‘Police Violence’
1918 ‘race war’ has ties to Philadelphia’s present
100 years ago, South Philadelphia was hit with one of the most violent riots to hit Philadelphia city. This article looks back on it.
Read MoreA Sandra Bland Documentary Is Coming to HBO
HBO revealed their fall lineup of documentaries, including Say Her Name, a documentary about Sandra Bland’s life. The documentary will be told through various clips of her mother and sisters and clips from her video blogs.
Read MoreConfronting Implicit Bias in the New York Police Department
Police departments across the country are undergoing implicit bias trainings; this article describes some of the information surrounding the trainings.
Read MoreColin Kaepernick’s Jersey Hangs in the Same Museum as ‘Starry Night’
by Priscilla Frank, HuffPost Black Voices One of the most recent additions to the halls of New York’s Museum of Modern Art is a red San Francisco 49ers jersey. The same jersey worn by Colin Kaepernick between 2011 and 2016. Kaepernick’s sports jersey hangs with four others featured in the ongoing MoMA exhibition “Items: Is Fashion Modern?”, which…
Read MorePhilando Castile’s Legacy Of Helping His Students Pay For Lunch Lives On
Monique Judge, The Root Philando Castile was known as a caring man at the St. Paul, Minn., school where he worked as a cafeteria supervisor. He cared so much for the children he served that he often paid for their lunches out of his own pocket when they were unable to, and now, thanks to…
Read MoreThe Double Struggles of June Jordan, Poet and Social Activist
Do you know June Jordan? If not, you should! In this exhibit you can read and hear the powerful poems of this amazing Jamaican-American activist, feminist, and mother.
Read MoreAmerica Has Finally Found Its ‘Perfect Victim’ Of A Police Shooting
Police brutality somehow looks different on a white victim. Justine Dramond, a Caucasian Australian who was engaged to be married was innocently shot and killed by an officer and people of all backgrounds are mourning her loss, but it wasn’t the same reaction when Philando Castile, who was also engaged to be married, was innocently shot and killed by an officer. See what the media has to say about it.
Read MoreWhen Cops Kill Black People: America’s Two Realities and Why Jurors Can’t Believe Their Lying Eyes
Imagine living in a “Tale of Two Cities,” where perceptions continue to support the rule of the day as it plays out on the World Stage of life for people of color? Places where slaughter and injustice against, and done unto black and brown bodies are authorized and condoned, even and especially by the laws that supposedly govern all equally. All in the name of protecting and preserving white fragility, white perceived way of life and the egregious greed that is ultimately stolen as rights of another.
Read MoreAudio Interview Confirms Dejuan Guillory Was Unarmed, Lying on Ground When Cop Shot Him in the Back
Man in compliance with police commands found shot in his back multiple times while his hands are handcuffed behind him. His girlfriend now arrested for attempted murder for defending boyfriend from being killed by the officer.
Read MoreSacrificing Black Lives for the American Lie
Why are police officers rarely charged for taking black lives, and when they are, why do juries rarely convict?
Many Americans asked this question when a Minnesota jury decided that Philando Castile was responsible for his own death and that the officer who shot him, did nothing wrong.
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