Black History: Reconstruction – 40 Acres & A Mule

Welcome to our online event where we will dive into the important topic of Reconstruction. Join us as we discuss the challenges and opportunities faced by Black people during this pivotal period in American history. Learn about the struggles, triumphs, and ongoing impacts of Reconstruction. Don’t miss out on this enlightening discussion!

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Black History: Reconstruction Violence

Welcome to the Black History: Reconstruction Violence event! Join us online as we delve into a crucial period in American history. Learn about the challenges faced by African Americans during the Reconstruction era. Discover the impact of violence on their lives and communities. This event aims to shed light on a lesser-known aspect of Black history. Don’t…

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40 Acres and a Lie

40 acres and a lie

Reporters found descendants of freed slaves who were given land, revealing a long history of racism and anti-racist activism

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The Lost Promise of Reconstruction

Eric Foner draws parallels between our tense political climate and the end of the Reconstruction Age, overviewing the backward steps our country has taken as we move further from the promises of Reconstruction.

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Racial Terror and the Second Repeal of Reconstruction

In the age of Trump white nationalism, hate crimes and acts of domestic terrorism have escalated. Recent acts of violence mirror the years following Reconstruction that resulted in American Descendants of Slavery losing all rights and privileges gained after the Civil War and the imposition of Jim Crow Laws.

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How Black Citizenship Was Won, and Lost

In this week’s New York Times Race/Related section, Jennifer Schuessler brings word of a New-York Historical Society exhibit shedding new light on the lives of African-Americans during the Reconstruction era. From covering the legal and political battles that were fought the nation over to showcasing artifacts of the smaller, day-to-day, personal battles of individuals African-Americans and their families, this exhibit helps to remind today’s divided America not only of just how dangerous such division can become, but just how important the fight for truth, justice, and equality really is.

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