The Lost Promise of Reconstruction

Eric Foner draws parallels between our tense political climate and the end of the Reconstruction Age, overviewing the backward steps our country has taken as we move further from the promises of Reconstruction.

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GOP Lied About Using Racial Data To Gerrymander, Lawyers Say

North Carolina Republicans lied to a federal court in 2017 when they claimed that they didn’t use racial data about voters as they drew new electoral maps. The daughter of a GOP master of gerrymandering gave the files to a voting rights group, Common Cause. That group has now filed suit in court.

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Brian Kemp says he’s Georgia’s next governor and Democrats say prove it

With legal wrangles opening and Abrams showing no signs of conceding, the race to becoming Georgia’s next governor is a bitter contest with historical significance and national political repercussions. Abrams would become the first black woman elected governor of any American state. Kemp seeks to maintain Republican dominance in a growing, diversifying Deep South state positioned to become a presidential battleground.

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Voter Suppression

Georgia officials have begun to enforce the “Use it or lose it” law, removing over 107,000 from voter rolls. Voting rights activists see the law as a new voter suppression tactic, which has been an issue in the South since the beginning of African American Suffrage. Stacy Abrams, a black GA legislator, is running for governor in the state.

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To Be Equal Give Us the Ballot: Restore the Voting Rights Act

In America Voting is a Right! However, still today communities of color are faced with an onslaught of legislation and other political tactics to further disenfranchise and deny certain communities nationwide the rights to exercise this privilege to vote and be represented within their communities.

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Efforts by Counties and Towns to Purge Minority Voters From Rolls

Sparta, Georgia, is purging its voter rolls of African Americans. Before the 1965 Voting Rights Act was gutted by the Supreme Court, this is precisely the sort of electoral maneuver that once would have needed Justice Department approval before it could be put in effect. And this is but one of many places in the USA where such seemingly small but effective efforts at voter suppression are taking place ahead of November’s presidential election.

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