It’s Time to Ring the Alarm About White Nationalism

The media reports on Islamic terrorism and individual ambushes of police, but it has largely overlooked increasingly brazen demonstrations and violence by the Far Right, treating each as a separate unconnected episode. But are they? In the last year, the level of violence has ramped up dramatically.

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A Reminder of Black Heroism

By Rhonesha Byng, In a world where two men were insensitive enough to dress up as Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman for a Halloween party, and a black college student is arrested at a high-end luxury department store for buying a belt, this teen’s story will restore your faith in humanity. In a series on…

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Yes, They’re White and Muslim

The Boston-bombing suspects show that it’s time the media and the public redefined their view of Islam. By Edward Wyckoff Williams, The American story has too long been told through a racial lens and always vis-à-vis “whiteness.” This is a dangerous premise — fortifying the principles of white supremacy, entirely incongruent with the nation’s democratic…

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Confederate past: Uproar over changing park names

by Adrian Sainz, Associated Press, MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) — The statue of Confederate fighter Nathan Bedford Forrest astride a horse towers above the Memphis park bearing his name. It’s a larger-than-life tribute to the warrior still admired by many for fiercely defending the South in the Civil War — and scorned by others for…

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The Sound of Hate

Wade Michael Page white power

White power groups are thriving under a shroud of secrecy, unbeknownst to many, until they commit acts of violence.

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