Black Couple Shocked When Contractor Shows Up For Work With Confederate Flag

By David Moye, Huffington Post A black couple’s encounter with a white man they hired to fix their golf cart is going viral for the polite way they handled an awkward situation. On Saturday, Atlanta couple Allison and Zeke Brown hired a contractor, identified as “Michael,” to fix the brakes of their golf cart. Things quickly…

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It’s Juneteenth, and a White Nationalist Is President

With the South rising again on the watch of President Donald Trump, who plans to turn the Fourth of July this year from a celebration of America to a celebration of himself, it’s time for Americans who champion equality to begin celebrating Juneteenth.June 19, 1865 — “Juneteenth” being a combination of June and nineteenth — should remind all Americans of the long and complex fight required to end slavery here.

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