How Does a City Choose to Remember its Past?

Many Milwaukeeans are familiar with the 1854 abolitionist rescue of Joshua Glover, an African American who escaped slavery and found sanctuary in Wisconsin. Far fewer know about the horrific racial lynching of George Marshall Clark, a free black man, that happened only seven years later in Milwaukee. What was their story, and how have we remembered these two men?

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George Marshall Clark

George Marshall Clark was 22 years old when he was murdered. He had been  a barber, a trade he learned from his father, George Sr., who ran his business on Wisconsin Avenue. Clark resided with his friend, James Shelton, near 5th and State Streets. Shelton and Clark were arrested together, but Shelton escaped being dragged…

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Federal Court Strikes Down NC Voter ID Requirement

election polling place

A federal appeals court decisively struck down North Carolina’s voter identification law on Friday, saying its provisions deliberately “target African-Americans with almost surgical precision” in an effort to depress black turnout at the polls. Much of Wisconsin’s voter identification law was also struck down.

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The 5 Worst States for Black People

Taking into account stats on education, health, incarceration rate, economics and general misery, these are some of the worst states for black people to live in.

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Welcome to Dodgeville!

Welcome to Dodgeville WI

ABHM’s virtual curator Fran Kaplan snapped a photo of lawn decorations reminicent of the Jim Crow era in front of one Dodgeville home.

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