Why Do Blacks Have a ‘Victim Mentality?’ and Other Questions From an Ohio School’s White History Assignment


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By Michael Harriot, The Root

An Ohio high school district is probably not under fire after a recent history assignment helped students explore the subject “How to be a pro racist.”

According to the National Center for Education statistics, Waverly High School in Waverly, Ohio is 96 percent white, boasting a grand total of six Black students during the 2019-2020 school year. The town has a long history as a “sundown town,” a city that forbade non-white residents after dark (a 1900 news story explains that “Negroes are not allowed to live in Waverly), which explains why the school’s history teacher needed a video from the white-nationalist-adjacent Prager U to instruct its students on the problems of Black America….

Screenshot: Prager U/YouTube

…Again, this was a school assignment. By a teacher. With a degree and everything.

But student’s weren’t just assigned the video, they were responsible for completing a handout of short-answer questions, including:

  1. Why do you think that churches, parents, and schools perpetuate this victim mentality?
  2. Considering the recent, obvious success of blacks, such as Barack Obama being elected to the presidency twice, why do you think that many young blacks so readily accept the victim mentality?
  3. What factors do you think contribute to the black community being so largely monolithic in their thoughts and opinions regarding race, especially their own?
  4. Why do you think so many blacks are killing other blacks?
  5. Considering [how progressive policies aggravate problems by “fostering and exploiting the victim mentality, discouraging self-examination, subsidizing baby mamas, and making excuses for black-thugs”] why do you think that many blacks continue to support and vote for progressive politicians?
  6. What do you think motivates many blacks to make excuses?…

Read the full article here.

Learn about how racial injustice persists and the history of sundown towns.

More Breaking News here.

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